Saturday, 12 June 2021

Three Poems by Amrita Valan


Premises of Being Matter

Sperm is motile

Kinetic to connect

Potential fecundity

Traumatic insemination

Locks down oval singularity.


Sperm is multiplicity, logarithmic



Ova is sure shot predetermination.

Only the one who matures


Down the Fallopian tube.

All eggs accounted for

When mommy was a foetus.


Disparate islands

Liminal hook up.



Is start 

Of rat race


Fluid exchange





Child’s play

Under foreplay's

Delicious duvet.

Staid business


urges spread the seed

Holds out carrots

of creative bliss.


The Passage


Youthful plasticity

Skeletal contract.

Life jitters to a stop

Dynamo decelerating.

Telomerase shortbread

Reductio Ad Absurdum


Saboteur days,

Beatnik flowers.


Rejects premises

Collagen impermanence

Glues in. Elastin

Thickens ties

Snaps back stretched rictus.

Deepens attachment.


Beauty must be


To hold value.

To be pulchritude.


Life, a meet and greet
Black cocktail affair.


Death dons snow white

Kid gloves,

Sycophantic stalker-waiter.


Traitor health treacherous ailments

Walk the water of faith.

Old age high rise condos

Stage four metastasis

Gated isolation.



Rattles our teeth

Cottons onto our sanity

To half-baked senility.


Endings aren’t always

Supernova stars



You just cease

To matter.

Immigration Is a Must. (Says the Spermatozoa)

Hard collision course

Brutal  impact.



Jitterbugging sperm

You shouldn't have started it

At all.


The script of living

Calls for a scribe.


Etching brain papyrus

Itchy  neuron


Literary glia

Holding together,

Honouring a sudden burst

A  life 

You lost.



Inkjet ghosts.

You rear children

Write them toasts

So they’ll pen

Kind obituaries.


More than you matter

Is that matter

Bears you witness.


Thank you Scribe

Son, and Tribe.

Thank you for my

Archived life.


Missives, posts

And rants.


We like to say it.

We like to spray it.


Wailing walls of

Discontented diaspora

Leaving lives

To live better


By the toil and turmoil

Sons of the soil

Sweat blood

And write

Their dreams

On destined


Amrita Valan is a writer from Bangalore, India and has a master’s degree in English Literature. She has worked in various professions, ranging from the hospitality industry, BPOs and as content creator in deductive logic and reasoning in English.

She is currently a stay-at-home mom to her two boys.

Her work has been published in many anthologies and online journals. The anthologies include, Poetica 2 and 3, To Be or Not To Be a Writer, The Poet’s Christmas Childhood and Faith anthologies, Divided: A Poet’s Stance, The Ink and the Sword, Down the Rabbit Hole, Fire and Ice, Earth Wind Rain and Fire Anthology, The ImpSpired Vol 7& 8 Anthology, The Alien Buddha Wears a Black Bandanna  among others. Her poems and stories Have featured in Spillwords, Café Lit, Café Dissensus, Shot glass Journal, Oddball magazine, Modern Literature, Indian Periodical, Potato Soup Journal, Literary Yard, Poetryand Places,  LothLorien poetry Journal and Portland Metrozine among many others.

Arrivederci, (Goodbye till we meet again),  her debut collection of fifty poems about arrivals and departures, farewells and hopes of reunion, love loss grief and recollection is published on Amazon as of  7 May 2021.


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