Best of the Net Nominations


Lothlorien Poetry Journal

Best of the Net Nominations 2025


Hedy Habra -


Or What Else Could We Do But Raise Our Hands?

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Four Poems by Hedy Habra

                                                Published on 18th October 2023

Peter Mladinic -


The Dead

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Four Poems by Peter Mladinic  

                                                Published on 17th February 2024

Sterling Warner -



Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Sterling Warner

                                                Published on 18th August 2023

Marguerite Doyle -

Celtic Night

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Marguerite Doyle

                                                Published on 26th June 2024

Stephen Kingsnorth -

Heroes’ Odyssey

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Stephen Kingsnorth

                                                Published on 29th October 2023


Steve Klepetar -


Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Three Poems by Steve Klepetar

                                                Published on 20th June 2024

Short Stories/Flash Fiction

Lynda Tavakoli -

For Those Who Wait - Short Story by Lynda Tavakoli

                                               Published on 15th October 2023

Gary Bills -

Two Sonnets & COUNTRY BURR - Short Story by Gary Bills

                                               Published on 6th July 2023

Creative Non-Fiction

Margaret Duda -

On The Periphery - Creative Non-Fiction Short Story By Margaret Duda

                                              Published on 1st April 2024

Giulio Magrini -



Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Lothlorien Poetry Journal: SHE WAS TOO YOUNG TO KNOW ANY BETTER SHE CALLED HIM LITTLE FRIEND - Flash Fiction Story by Giulio Magrini

                                                     Published on 11th February 2024

Works of Art

Digby Beaumont - Untitled

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Collaboration - One Poem by Susan Isla Tepper with Art by Digby Beaumont.

                                              Published on 27th August 2023

Congratulations to those I have nominated. My sincere gratitude to you all for giving me the opportunity to publish your superb poetry, fiction and art. To me, you are all worthy of nomination. Mo Anam Cara fellow Lothlorians ~ Strider Marcus Jones


The annual Best of the Net Anthology is a project of Sundress Publications.

Participant Qualifications:

  • Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it may be sent by the author.
  • Submissions must have originally appeared online, though later print versions are acceptable.
  • The poem, story, or essay must have been first published or appeared on the web between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
  • For journals and presses, each entry may include up to:
    -six poems
    -two stories
    -two works of creative nonfiction
    -and three works of art.

Lothlorien Poetry Journal

Best of the Net Nominations 2024


Damon Hubbs - Hawk Tree

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Four Poems by Damon Hubbs

                                                Published on 27th July 2021

Mandy Beattie - Stroma: A Leaving & Returning

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Mandy Beattie   

                                                Published on 4th October 2022

Fred Johnston - Dry Breaking

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Fred Johnston

                                                Published on 7th May 2023

Ryan Quinn Flanagan - Away, Away Say Distant Telescope Stars

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Six Poems by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

                                                Published on 7th September 2022

Giulio Magrini - From The Strangled Artist Whispering to the Dead

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Four Poems by Giulio Magrini

                                                Published on 10th July 2022


Karen A. VandenBos - The Devil's Trumpet of Reality

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Karen A VandenBos

                                                Published on 24th May 2023

Short Stories/Flash Fiction

Margaret Duda - Keepers of the Faith

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Keepers of the Faith - Short Story - By Margaret Duda

                                               Published on 15th May 2023

Greg Patrick - Samhain's Eve Song

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Samhain’s Eve Song - Prose Fiction Short Story by Greg Patrick

                                               Published on 12th September 2022

Creative Non-Fiction

Nolo Segundo - The Day I Remembered My Soul

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: THE DAY I REMEMBERED MY SOUL - Nolo Segundo

                                              Published on 17th October 2022

Margaret Kiernan - Poetry Essay - Geranium Pots and Keys

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Poetry Essay - Geranium Pots and Keys and One Poem by Margaret Kiernan 

                                                     Published on 7th November 2022

Works of Art

Digby Beaumont - Bridge - Pen and Ink on Paper

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: One Poem by Susan Isla Tepper with Art by Digby Beaumont

                                              Published on 20th August 2022

Digby Beaumont - Bench - Mixed Media

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: One Poem by Digby Beaumont

                                                    Published on 20th November 2022  

Congratulations to those I have nominated. My sincere gratitude to you all for giving me the opportunity to publish your superb poetry, fiction and art. To me, you are all worthy of nomination. Mo Anam Cara fellow Lothlorians ~ Strider Marcus Jones


The annual Best of the Net Anthology is a project of Sundress Publications.

Participant Qualifications:

  • Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it may be sent by the author.
  • Submissions must have originally appeared online, though later print versions are acceptable.
  • The poem, story, or essay must have been first published or appeared on the web between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.
  • For journals and presses, each entry may include up to:
    -six poems
    -two stories
    -two works of creative nonfiction
    -and three works of art.

Lothlorien Poetry Journal

Best of the Net Nominations 2023


Antonia Alexandra Klimenko - Polishing the Mirrors

 Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Three Superb Poems by Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

                                                Published on 4th August 2021

John Doyle - Milk

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Six Sublime Poems by John Doyle   

                                                Published on 10th February 2022

RC deWinter - After the Battle

 Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Superb Poems by RC deWinter

                                                Published on 3rd February 2022

Ed Lyons - After the Baseball Game

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Three Poems by Ed Lyons

                                                Published on 6th March 2022

Adele Ogier Jones - Letters to Rosa Luxemburg

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Four Sublime Poems by Adele Ogier Jones

                                                Published on 31st October 2021                                        

Ryan Quinn Flanagan - Saggy Taints and Hourly Saints

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Five Poems by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

                                                Published on 6th June 2022

Short Stories/Flash Fiction

Lynda Tavakoli - An Appropriate Act of Love

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: An Appropriate Act of Love - A Superb Short Story by Lynda Tavakoli

                                               Published on 11th December 2021

Louise Cole - The Stone Horse

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: The Stone Horse - Short Story by Louise Cole

                                               Published on 7th June 2022

Creative Non-Fiction

Margaret Kiernan - Perceptions of Peace

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: Two Creative Non-Fiction Essays by Margaret Kiernan

                                              Published on 30th June 2022

Kevin Brown - The Diva's Palm

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: The Deva’s Palm - Flash Non-Fiction by Kevin Brown 

                                                             Published on 25th April 2022

Works of Art

Digby Beaumont - Dead of Night - Painting

Lothlorien Poetry Journal: One Poem by Susan Tepper with Art by Digby Beaumont

                                              Published on 13th September 2021

Congratulations to those I have nominated. My sincere gratitude to you all for giving me the opportunity to publish your superb poetry and prose. To me, you are all worthy of nomination. Mo Anam Cara fellow Lothlorians ~ Strider Marcus Jones


The annual Best of the Net Anthology is a project of Sundress Publications.

Participant Qualifications:

  • Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it may be sent by the author.
  • Submissions must have originally appeared online, though later print versions are acceptable.
  • The poem, story, or essay must have been first published or appeared on the web between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022.
  • For journals and presses, each entry may include up to:
    -six poems
    -two stories
    -two works of creative nonfiction
    -and three works of art.

Lothlorien Poetry Journal

Best of the Net Nominations 2022


John Drudge - Rimbaud's Footprints 

                                                               Published on 4th June 2021

Lilija Valis -    Late Night Radio

                                                               Published on 2nd March 2021

John Doyle -    Beautiful 

                                                               Published on 14th June 2021

Adele Ogier Jones - Ensemble

                                                               Published on 27th March 2021

J.D. Nelson - to mask a little bird

                                                               Published on 19th April 2021                                              

Denise O'HaganStill the rain kept falling

                                                             Published on 28th February 2021

Short Stories/Flash Fiction

David Butler - Funeral Blues

                                                              Published on 18th March 2021

Nodirabegim Ibrokhimova - Writer's Death

                                                              Published on 23rd May 2021

Creative Non-Fiction

Margaret Kiernan - Leave the Calling Card

                                                             Published on 24th February 2021

Moe Seager - Valentine Offering

                                                             Published on 16th February 2021

Congratulations to those I have nominated. My sincere gratitude to you all for giving me the opportunity to publish your superb poetry and prose. To me, you are all worthy of nomination. Mo Anam Cara fellow Lothlorians.~ Strider Marcus Jones


The annual Best of the Net Anthology is a project of Sundress Publications.

Participant Qualifications:

  • Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it may be sent by the author.
  • Submissions must have originally appeared online, though later print versions are acceptable.
  • The poem, story, or essay must have been first published or appeared on the web between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.
  • For journals and presses, each entry may include up to:
    -six poems
    -two stories
    -two works of creative nonfiction
    -and three works of art.




1 comment:

  1. Truly honoured to be part of this amazing project. Heartfelt thanks to Lothlorien Poetry Journal, its editor, Strider Marcus Jones. This has been an awesome year, for many reasons. This is the crowning.


Five Poems by Leslaw Nowara

  Here and now     Try swapping    "here" and "now"   to   "there" and "then"      and suddenly you...