Something Seemingly Not Even a Road
Flash Fiction
by Jim Meirose
They came to the road, which was so freshly paved as
to reek of hot asphalt, and was so black and new it fairly glistened in the
sunlight. They stood a while hesitating, as it seemed it’d be a shame = to walk
over something so pure and virginal as to even seem like something not really a
road = something different a piece of art somehow not to be touched let alone roughly
walked over = standing by the fresh road
it felt like it felt when standing face to face with that smooth granite statue
somehow = wanting so to touch it and stroke it = but = knowing that nearby
there’s a guard lurking in = blue = or in = black = like these regularly wear
they know = hold it there please do not touch the exhibits do no no do not do
not touch the exhibits = how mortifying = how embarrassing everyone there’s so
many everybodies all around here and they are now watching and judging = watching
and judging = aw just one touch to the edge of the brand new road heck = hold
it there {louder} please do not touch the exhibits but please do not no
= condemn me here like this = look at them looking = you are the good and I ====
am the bad why what why is it wrong to touch the exhibits eh = it is wrong it
is wr’ = would the artist who slaved over carving this out for weeks and months
and maybe even years say = do not ever touch this = ever ever ever = no one can
ever no never would they say that = I do not know I just know don’t touch the
exhibits = why do you say it if you don’t know? Is that not an insult
cheapening the sweat of the brow of the artist who made this = it is not mine
to know I am paid to say what I say don’t you think don’t you know = don’t you
get paid to do something also = don’t you need money to keep on going = keeping
on going has nothing to do with money = yes it does yes yes yes = no it does not
God made life God keeps life going not money = maybe then God is money because
in my neck of the woods you don’t eat you don’t live = oh yah yes oh yah have you
tried to stop eating = no why on Earth would I want to stop eating = to see if
in time you then die you said eating is needed to live eh eh huh = no I did not
say that = yes you did = no I didn’t = yes you did = no we were talking about
money and not about eating = yah but you were saying it like money and eating are
exactly the same = no I would not say that because it is wrong I I said I did
sa’ = hold it no here it is does the Earth not spin with no need for money = sure
sure sure but that’s not the same thing = yes it is does the sun not shine with
no need for money = sure but that’s not = that’s no that’s no that’s no God you
are so boring does this road not lie here with no need for money = well, yes it
does = so it is? = no it’s not I didn’t but just make sure you don’t touch the
exhibits or else I’ll = do what = I’ll do = do this = and they stepped out onto
the black = no do not = and the hand went out and down the beautiful sculpture’s
cheek = so cold = road so hot = please do not = all came into balance and
though the road seemed excessively wide for a road looking like it saw absolutely
no traffic but still or no still = seemed quite busy there anyway look at it
look it will be someday be busy will it not = I mean who’d spend the money for
such a widely fine road that’d never be used = it will be used look = after we’re
gone it will be used = gok = how does it feel to be able to look into your very
own future Gimi? = look at me Gimi look at me look at me Gimi = this is how you’ll
be up at the end Gimi = just like me Gimi = just like me just like and = having
successfully traversed the road, they turned left and proceeded straight on to
their destinations.
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