Saturday 10 June 2023

Four Poems by Alan Catlin


First Snow


Cold full moon winter night.

White light on fallen snow.

Wind funnels fresh fall into drifts.


Before the plows, cross country

skiers to the city streets.

The sound of them like

newly awakened insects

escaping from a dream.




as pond shimmer

loses lustre



a slow white

sheathing of ice

skims the surface


Textured silence

the colour of dreams

blue heron wings

extend dusk shadows


elastic leaves

float on


bay water,

almost glass




muted loon cries

at dawn

over long lake


still water


bound —


nothing moving



Seaside Still Life, Winter


Full moonlit waves

sketching pillows out of sand,


wind-blown seas hasten

opalescent dawn,


tide pools frozen into shapes;

a sky for shore birds.


Alan Catlin has published dozens of chapbooks and full-length books. He has two scheduled for later in the year, How Will the Heart Endure (about life and work of Diane Arbus( from Kelsay Books and :listening to the Moonlight Sonata from Impspired (UK).


  1. I agree with Laura Stamps(fb comments) about Alan Caitlin's poems in Lothlorien Poetry Journal feeling haiku like, stark, minimalist .


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