Tuesday, 6 June 2023

One Poem by Oladejo Abdullah Feranmi


Song sets


I have listened to you breathe, the symphony

of your heartbeat and closest to the tender petals

of your mind wilting into footsteps, tiny, deaf

enough for me to hear the wind walk you away

into the oblivion of the past as you wear the hands

of time and turn goodnight into goodbye.

These echoes I hold dear, and its silence belongs to me

as I walk my solitude in steps tiny as a heartbeat

tickling the tocks of time at the back of my waiting.

Oladejo Abdullah Feranmi is a Poet, writer, and veterinary medicine student from Ibadan, Nigeria. An Haikuist, He reads submissions at Sea glass literary magazine and edits for the incognito press. His works are published in Gone Lawn, Hooligan Magazine, The Lumiere Review, and more. He tweets from; @oaferanmi_

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