Sunday, 9 April 2023

Five Triolet Poems by Amber Winter


5 triolets



I need to get a kiss by the third night.

Tick tock goes the clock, time is almost gone.

If I fail the task, I will lose my sight.

I need to get a kiss by the third night.

Here I stand with my lips puckered tight.

Here he comes walking across the lawn.

I need to get a kiss by the third night.

Tick tock goes the clock, time is almost gone.


Are you dreaming of me dear princess?

Hear my sweet song outside your window.

I am in need of your tender caress.

Are you dreaming of me dear princess?

Let me save you from this terrible mess.

I’ll wait forever in this limbo.

Are you dreaming of me dear princess?

Hear my sweet song outside your window.


Mixing and brewing need to get this right.

Potion, no motion, stuck in a deep sleep.

One drink and she’ll be out like a light.

Mixing and brewing need to get this right.

I have to hurry, he’ll be here tonight.

Keep her quiet—not a sound not a peep.

Mixing and brewing I need to get this right.

Potion, no motion, stuck in a deep sleep.


Too much time has slipped away.

I’m stuck in a lullaby.

I can’t see the light of day.

Too much time has slipped away

So soon my hair will turn gray.

Why can’t my prince hear my cry?

Too much time has slipped away.

I’m stuck in a lullaby.


Gluttonous children wander by,

Caught in a witch’s deceit.

Smells of sweets they want to try,

Gluttonous children wander by.

They feast and feast on cakes and pies.

They eat themselves into a sleep.

Gluttonous children wander by,

Caught in a witch’s deceit.


Amber Winter is a married mother of three boys. She is a trained meat cutter, cosmetologist and formerly worked in finance. She enjoys passing time at the playgrounds writing poetry while her boys run out their energy. Her poetry had been published in Failed Haiku, cattails, Ribbons, The Starlight Scifaiku Review, Scifaikuest, The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, tsuri-doro, Prune Juice, 100 Days, 100 Scary Stories, and Star*line. She is a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Rhysling Award nominee.

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