Saturday, 29 April 2023

Five Gendai Tanka by Paul Callus & Christina Chin


Five Gendai Tanka by Paul Callus  & Christina Chin


the riddle 

on the wall

Mrs Hudson 



summer sun

mottled shadows

under the vine trellis

chickadees indulge

in seeds and suet


cold night             

a wolf howls at

the full moon

atop a pole

a red-tailed hawk


rainbow colours

a koi pond -

an escaped terrapin

ready to snap



the benefits

of well-being    

a chota peg of fizzy 

ginger kombucha

Paul Callus was born in Ħal Safi, Malta. He is married to Sheila née Ackland-Snow and they have two children. He is a retired teacher, and has been active in the literary field for around 50 years. He has published three books, and has had several short stories and poems published in various magazines, anthologies and online sites. His preferred writing mediums are Maltese and English. He is also a proof reader and translator. 

Christina Chin is a painter and haiku poet. 

She is four-time recipient of top 100 in the mDAC Summit Contests. They were exhibited at the Palo Alto Art Center, Califonia. 

She is the sole haiku contributor for the MusArt book of Randall Vemer's paintings published by ArtReach Publication, Portland, Oregon. 

1st prize winner of the 34th Annual Cherry Blossom Sakura Festival 2020 Haiku Contest.  

1st prize winner in the 8th Setouchi Matsuyama 2019 Photohaiku Contest and won two City Soka Saitama's 2020 haiku prizes. She is published in numerous journals, multilingual journals and anthologies including Japan's haiku monthly magazine, Haikukai (俳句界).



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