Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Eight Senryu Poems by Ram Chandran



the old beggar-
tossing a coin, we exchanged 
a familiar smile


a shooting star-
years ago
I had a wish

finishing jaggery sweet-
the boy licks his fingers
one by one

winter night routine
papa applies ayurvedic cream 
for his knee pain

consecutive drought -
children playing hopscotch
where the paddy field was


autumn dusk-
the old man forgets
his way back home

on way back home
waning gibbous moon

a jobless-
selling the loved books
for the next meal

Ram Chandran is a Corporate Lawyer by profession. He has been writing English poetry since his college days. Writing Japanese short form poetry since 2020, his English language haiku and other Japanese short form poetries have been widely published internationally in prestigious print and digital Journals.

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