Monday, 3 April 2023

Five Poems by Miranda Clarity


Inner Cravings of a Lost Soul

I feel the sound of calm and silence hidden
by swirling dispersals of noise as he spills

his lost soul into my hands. The depths of
his despair entwined with determined thrusts

to gain back freedom from past happiness,
creating roller coasters of emotion within.

The inner rage of his being dimmed by
hints of serenity he once touched… and

thus, knows it can be touched again. He
yearns to live once more in childhood's

castle of imagination and dreams for that
was the home of his happiness. He only

need realize: he creates the castle, the
imagination, the dreams…the happiness.

My Soul Walks Within

My soul walks within
the Otherworld
of your fairy dreams
beneath the great arms
of your rhythmic Sea;
beneath your ancient mounds,
your stones, that echo old truths;
and dances deep within
your great forests
playing the sweet music
of a harp unseen,
the music of my soul,
the music of me.

The Love Triangle of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon


The Sun –
afloat in the universe upon her grand throne of space
she is aflame, blazing, burning her radioactive inferno
flicking embers towards Earth, towards the planets,
towards the moons, towards everything,
like his girlfriend’s outstretched arms towards him…
and towards every other guy while he’s not looking
as if to embrace them in her charms, in her magnificence,
in her flame, her heat, her fire. Flaunting to all,
ever luring them through her magnetism to follow her—
only her—and dance around her beauty like marionettes;
to lose themselves in her projected heat of the moment
with no thought for the consequence, no thought
for the burn, for the scars that follow in her wake.


The Earth –
ever devoted to his Sun, to his girlfriend.
He is ever yearning for her, reaching for her touch
as he spins his way around her while she gives him hot fire,
enough to make him keep coming back for more
but always leading Earth on, leading him on.
The dangling jewel of a seductress before the seduced,
before him, as he becomes hot with desire and longing
for her fire, her summer, her heat, her lust.
Ever following his Sun, his girlfriend, he keeps
reaching for that ruby but somehow never quite
gets it in his grasp. Not forever anyway.
And when he does feel her touch, he’s never satisfied,
never satiated, never complete, never whole,
as she only grants him beauty and only shines her light
when she desires to and then disappears into the night
leaving him burned, scarred, confused, left in the dark
but ever stuck and determined to follow her,
his misguided idea of love, a love that can never be
and never will be as she keeps leaving him
to grant her heat, her fire, to another.


The Moon –
ever pining after Earth, attracted to his energy,
to the soul of his life. She yearns for him,
the object of her affection, the man she loves and means it
but she gets left in the lurch as he keeps reaching for
the Sun, for his girlfriend of magnified beauty.
The Moon’s own glory muted before that Sun,
her reflection of light pale comparatively to that ruby
who conquers the night turning it to day.
But when the Sun disappears and sinks beneath Earth’s horizon,
when his girlfriend abandons him for another and is
lost to his vision once more, the Moon finds Earth admiring her
and the man she loves looking to her with the look of hope.
And in these moments, she shines brightly, her silver lining,
beaming as a brilliant opal bathing Earth’s sky in her
luminescent beauty so that she might make him smile,
might ease his burns from the Sun, might soothe the scars
from his girlfriend who is no good for him, hoping
he will see how much he means to her, to the Moon,
to the girl who truly loves him

I Miss

I miss ancient times and
old, ancient ways, times
when we were one
with nature. No nifty
gadgets of electricity—
when we lighted our way
with candles and burning
torches of flame. When
we took of nature only
what we needed, and
did so with respect. I miss
living in a small, stone
cottage in the woods. No
extravagance, no perks,
just a home. I miss bathing
in natural springs, its pure
water flowing over me.
I miss making love in a
meadow under moonlight,
birds chirping in the breeze.
I miss being able to see
the stars blaze across the
night sky undimmed by
big city lights and modern
skyscrapers that now mar
my sight. I miss the wonder
of nature all around me,
everywhere in abundance,
when it was not shut out
by concrete jungles of
modern confusion. I miss
the chivalry of a real knight,
and the honest beauty of
real ladies—I miss the true
gentlemen and true ladies.
I miss the ancient world I
came from and I long to return
that beauty, that peace and that
harmony to the current world
I live in so we are again
one with nature.

Riddle Is Me

Mystery defines me,
Though I defy mysteries.

Truth fulfilled within me,
Though truth is yet to see.

Freedom is within me
Barriers are without.

I am love
In a universe of hate.

I am understanding
In a world of confusion.

I use energy but
Energy does not rule me.

I am a mirror
Hording reflection.

I know and I am
And I am what I know.

Miranda Clarity is an emerging poet currently living in California. She has been writing poetry since the age of 12 and is now, at age 40, getting her poetry published to spread messages of truth, peace and beauty during these turbulent times.

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