Thursday, 6 April 2023

Five Poems by Joshua Martin

Productive Sticking Point


airball siren herding erasers

yarn alarm squid handlebars

vaporized scolding paragons


             programmed fists

             sprinkled muscle


                     mimic sword battle

                     iron fastened mouse

                     drooping strip poker


gaming systematic jailbird salads

bowl upon bowl of grapefruit essence

dressed stormy feathered lagoons


     ouch festival party gazing

           wither                   sawblade

                  certain                 handkerchief

garden                                         vegetative



        entitled luminous empathy

        empathetically denied scoop drain



Delayed terrarium Fix


giving cusps crank crumbs

             / Night Nods Deficient Chemistry \

                                          (test Tube peel Shred) :


        lacklustre cathedral

                   a transcript exposed to virus:



chlorine unlaced soluble violent threads


               swells licking

               affectionate envelopes] - - - brain damaged

                                                            outline - - -


hands fall asleep as a truckload

revolted thawing vertigo beehive

                                beholden polka-dotted classics :


         canyon blank facing circumstantial shotgun

         unusual waterfall contaminated stopper :


(chastened nouns swallowed verbatim

                                     ;static telescopes;

                                            languid milkshake

                                            bobbing for schemes) - - -


      chromatic snare

      arrived as sharpened



Conclusive Gears


swing set tuna material utensil

fourth sleeve rendezvous nano

a removal tarries a deduced quenching

                    injected zeroes speechless


     deduce slickened audience bribery

     though-word-wheel-likely-colliding :


blanched atmospherics smack

                                 clockface anaemia :


             Short Notice animated crescendo

             loose chocolate balmy stadiums:


                                              All vessels


                   bluffed retreat

                   stool sample

                               concrete quantity


Runaway reproductive skin

demolition quarantine

clanging colossal sailor soup


          ; Swim


            shelves ;      out of context

                                motivational water



      | chain-linked fence |


                     dude blind spot duality

                     singularity achieving niche :


                         congregation inverse brittle

                         hibernation success story


                                  gristle parchment :


a freshly mown keychain



adjusted eggshell momentum


we tied the loosening festivals in disguise

          WC Fields water designed feature wallet


    milquetoast Armageddon fair weather punching bags

    slicing Albuquerque borderline tribute to paradigms


              NiGhT sweating NuRsE


Repeating Gloves without Sleeves


    :   (if a cannon be a subplot

         reading spilling wheels

                                       but poured spelling

                                       wishing well grief) :


              wishy-washy toilet afternoon

              splurge passing fancy touchdowns


> fumigations begin at home < ! ! ! ! !


                         playground adjustments nervous

                         willing combatant snoozing

                         caried formulated magazine




Sailing Spider Lamps


ambushed circuit microphone

staring vague civilized manifestoes


     bury cornstarch anvils

     housing crisis nightlight

     badly attributed barcodes


               \ stumble wrestling cutthroat /


halo neighbourhood record sleeves

wildlife usurping nuclear warts

soundwaves gesture tombstones


                               | somnambulistic tire |

                     | weary healthcare beverage stream |

                                         | powdered TNT wig |


((((( ‘who is this guttersnipe sinking into the sniper’s lair?’ )))))


             / , carrying torn libido spools , \





Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is member of C22, an experimental writing collective. He is the author most recently of the books Dance of Resistance Brainwaves (C22 Press), SCHISMS (C22 Press Open Editions), laminated tongue in aspic (Alien Buddha Press) and automatic message (Free Lines Press). He has had numerous pieces published in various journals including Otoliths, Synapse, Version (9), Don’t Submit!, BlazeVOX, RASPUTIN, Ink Pantry, Unlikely Stories Mark V, and experiential-experimental-literature. You can find links to his published work at



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