Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Two Poems by Carol Tahir


Music of Escape


In a softly lit counterbalance of yellows and blues,

the violin shaped cerulean cocoon, lies abandoned

on a creamy armchair host.

She stepped away for just a moment

from the beautiful robe of red and yellow silk ,

unfurled in anticipated pleasure.

Leaving her desk of composed notes,

the music of flight skitters in her head.

Drawn by the open window, 

scented by the ocean breezes 

she opens her drying wings,

and forgets her music, her dress.

Adventures await

for her escape.

Her musical notes,

her wings of beauty 

trailing behind 

trying to catch her 

on the tropical winds

of her life. 



The Pool


There is always a dark side 

to pull me into deep waters

where I do not want to go.

I know I can swim on my own

through sketchy waters.

The murky thoughts 

leave me unsure .

Until like a banana,

my mind is broke open

and I dive into that

inky pool of the past.

Carol Tahir has always been interested in painting . Now she paints with words. She lives in Southern California with her husband of many years. She has recently had works in anthologies and online journals.



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  Wild Child       An individual growing up away from the civil,   preferring a society to exist without customs,   having only a slight nee...