Friday, 3 March 2023

Two Poems by Roy J. Adams


Blasting Elvis and Buddy Holly


I rocked down Route 66 quashing

sleep with fists full of wide-eye wake-me-ups

--swished by wacky Wigwam Inns,

tore through insect tempests; flirted

with mini-skirted Marilyn's at roller-skating drive-ins

I was neon

I was come on

I was Major Betucan


My heart trembles



she anticipates then


with erotic abandon

my stroking

lightly the soft skin

between her


Roy J. Adams has been a short-order cook, a magician, a professor, a poet but not a pirate. He has a black belt, paratrooper wings, a scuba certificate, an honourable discharge, a driver’s license and a Philly accent. He’s touched mountain peaks, ocean deeps and steaming jungle mud. He’s run for office and for his life. A corkboard in his mancave is full of certificates from poetry contests. His poetry’s been published in Canada, the U.S., the U.K, Malta, India, Australia, Singapore and Ireland, the land his mother came from. He is the author of a chapbook, a full book of poetry, and a history of the Tower Poetry Society, the oldest continuously meeting local poetry association in Canada. 

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