Friday, 10 March 2023

Three Poems by Lynn White


Still Searching


Angel came down 

from heaven to earth.

It was part of her

once in a lifetime tour

of the earth’s solar system.

She chose to visit the earth first

as word was that it was the most beautiful,

so beautiful that it had been the model

for the paradise that was heaven.

She had never really believed it

some things just weren’t believable,

like heaven, few people believed in it


she found

even fewer

believed in paradise

whether earthly or heavenly.

Angel realised that she didn’t believe in it either.

She believed in herself though,

believed in the angels.

She met quite a few

on her travels,

she told me so.

I told her how pleased I was to meet her,

how glad I was that I’d believed in her,

how sorry I was that she had to leave

before she found paradise.

But that’s life.

I waved her goodbye

as she mounted her unicorn

and rode away, still searching.



The Dying Of The Light


The red mist came over her

a bright dangerous anger

engulfing all

ready to explode

and splinter

into sharp shards

slicing everything touched.

When the explosion subsided

and settled into surliness

the red faded 

into monochrome

and the only colours left

were the greys,

but the anger

still whirled 

and churned

and screamed

inside and out

as it choked the colours

and the bright white

with darkness

heavy as diamond hard granite



weighing her down

dragging her deeper 

into the black hole

with the dying of the light.



The Place Where The Stars Are Buried


I’m on my way to the place 

where the stars are buried

under a roof of rain.

I won’t get lost.

I’m following the silver snail

trails and the muddy pools

with the little shimmers of spangles.

When I get there - to the place

where the stars are buried.

I shall dig a little, dig

just enough to let

a glimmer of light out.

Just enough to let

the love sparkle and

sizzle in the light

before it burns.



First published in Midnight Circus, June 2016

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud 'War Poetry for Today' competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. Her poetry has appeared in many publications including: Apogee, Firewords, Capsule Stories, Gyroscope Review and So It Goes. Find Lynn at: and


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