Sunday, 5 March 2023

One Poem by Patrick Connors




The salesmen in their ill-fitting suits

shuffle their feet in a rhythmless dance

around the coffee machine, try not to look

each other in the eye as they mumble,

“Good morning”, beneath the stereo

blaring, “Everyone’s a Winner”.


Then, the Hugo Boss wearing manager enters

the office, followed by an aura of Polo

stronger than the dimple in his chin,

lowers the volume on the stereo,

turns to the salesmen and asks,

“How is everybody feeling today?”


“Fantastic, terrific, great, oh yeah strong,

juice baby sucker, I feel wonderful

right on, right on, right on,

juice, juice, juice, juice!”

Patrick Connors first chapbook, Scarborough Songs, was released by Lyricalmyrical Press in 2013, and charted on the Toronto Poetry Map.

Other publication credits include: The Toronto Quarterly; Spadina Literary Review; Sharing Spaces; Tamaracks; and Tending the Fire.

His first full collection, The Other Life, was released in 2021 by Mosaic Press.   




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