Saturday, 9 July 2022

Six "Jesus Tanka" by Chad Parenteau


Lone Wolf Gunman Jesus Tanka


I acted alone!

Cries Lone Wolf Gunman Jesus.

I’ve no disciples!

Judas takes down Twitter page.

Peter’s forum denies all.



School Shooter Jesus Tanka


There are those who think

School Shooter Jesus is myth

until the moment

they find themselves breaking bread

with him. That’s when they get shot.



Good-Guy-With-A-Gun Jesus Tanka


An hour later,

Good-Guy-With-A-Gun Jesus

stood inside the school

surrounded by his faithful

who knew he’d arrive in time.



Susan Collins Jesus Tanka


Accension cancelled.

Susan Collins Jesus has

spoken with Pilate,

and they reached a compromise,

humanity’s lesson learned.



Ted Cruz Jesus Tanka


Face Ted Cruz Jesus,

and he will hear you confess

all of his new sins.

Then, with a wave of his hand,

he absolves himself, and you.



Texas Jesus Tanka


Texas Jesus says

whoever welcomes a child

eighteen and over

is part of his army, his

always recruiting army.

Chad Parenteau hosts Boston's long-running Stone Soup Poetry series. His poetry has appeared in journals such as Résonancee, Molecule, Ibbetson Street, Pocket Lint, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, The New Verse News, Off The Coast, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Nixes Mate Review and the anthology Reimagine America from Vagabond Books. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine. His second collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, was nominated for a Massachusetts Book Award.


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