Saturday, 9 July 2022

Five Poems by Mark Young


A line from Sara Paretsky


We tinker with some hidden

settings, secretly keep tabs on

each other. Not much can be

done about an inherently


dishonest approach to living

when the concepts of integrity

& quality tend to be self-serving

tools. Nothing ever seems to be


properly completed or goes away

forever. No one seems to care that

that's the case. Ukraine battles

forest fires within the Chernobyl


exclusion zone that send radio-

active ash into the air. She imitates

the rhetoric of her harassers, &, in

return, is herself harassed for it.



Flying the flagellation

It is a Saturday, midway through

the monsoon season, & the

apparatchiks of the political estab-

lishment stride purposefully through

the shopping center in a group, obed-

ient to their own safe distancing laws.

For the rest of us, legal or illegal, no

distance is far enough away from them.




Road-repair works or the

noise of swans. Trucks


climbing through their

many gears as they leave


the city. Slow procession of a

laden coal train beyond the


lagoon. Which one to choose

to sing the blues with?



What else is happening?


The coal mine is hiring, the

health & wellbeing expo is

being set up in the foyer of

the local theatre. The intro-

duction of these initiatives

means the hand cane cutting

championship will continue

to remain in limbo. No point

in chaining yourself to the

council rails in protest – seems

that the festival committee has

made its collective mind up

already, & is busy bringing in

a dredge to start removing

mud from the nearby creek &

to cull excessive roosters from

the local domain. The work

was supposed to start at cock

crow. What happens now

the roosters are taken away?


A poem ending with a line from Beowulf

These videos & wide-

mouth pint size mason

jars introduce you to

the thrill of moving

into a new home when

you don't qualify

for a care package.

I actually heard someone say this:

"From his eyes came a light not fair."



Mark Young’s first published poetry appeared over sixty-two years ago. Much more recent work has appeared, or is to appear, in Offcourse, Scud, Ygdrasil, Mobius, SurVision, RIC Journal, Unlikely Stories, BlazeVOX, & Word For/Word.


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