Wednesday, 27 January 2021

One Poem by Eamon O'Caoineachan


A raven is a classical symbol of a psychopomp, a guide of living souls to the place of the dead.


Black raven, dark raven,

black raven, fly


through blurred branches                                                                   

between grey earth, greyer sky—               


black raven, dark raven,

black raven, fly                                                       


spreading finger-wings                                                                                                                     

soaring sculpted Valkyrie—                                   


decides who may live

decides who may die                             


black raven, dark raven

black raven, fly


from ghost-clouds    

clouding earth and sky—                                                                     


black raven, dark raven,



to this grey place we live—                                                                    

to that greyer place we die.




Eamon O'Caoineachan is a poet, originally from Co. Donegal, Ireland, but living in Houston, Texas. His work is published in Prometheus Dreaming, The Ekphrastic Review, Madness Muse PressVita Brevis Press and the University of St. Thomas's literary magazines, Thoroughfare and Laurels. He is the recipient of The Robert Lee Frost-Vince D’Amico Poetry Award and the Rev. Edward A. Lee Endowed Scholarship in English at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He has his Master in Liberal Arts in English and his first poetry collection, Dolphin Ghosts is forthcoming in Spring 2021.  


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