Thursday 21 January 2021

A Chilling Musical Poem by Allan Lake

Piano Concerto in 5 Months

     (length of Canadian winter)



Autumn Leaves Meet Snowflakes:

  5+ minutes

Ping ping-ping pong

pinkle ponkle p-ping! Repeat, repeat

            (settle back into heavy winter clothes)



Reflections On Mortality After 1st Blizzard:

  7 minutes then fade out

Pingetty pingetty pong-pong-pong!

Ping-ping, etcetera

            (build legless, standard snowperson)



Encompassing Darkness:

  3.5 minutes only

Ping   pong   ping   pong, pong/ping!

With subtle variations

            (face the new year with cold turkey)



Depth of Depression Test:

  16 lengthy minutes

p i n g     p o n g

p i n g     p o n g    precisely, without variation

            (mumble to anyone nearby about weather)



Will to Live Lost During ‘Spring’ Snowfall:

  11 minutes

pong…    ping!…  p-pong… p-pong/ pingpingping

pinging & ponging, simultaneously, ad infinitum

            (semi-conscious applause because winter wins again)


Originally from Saskatchewan, Allan Lake has lived in Vancouver, Cape Breton, Ibiza, Tasmania, Perth & Melbourne. Poetry Collection: Sand in the Sole (Xlibris, 2014). Lake won Lost Tower Publications (UK) Comp 2017 & Melbourne Spoken Word Poetry Fest 2018 & publication in New Philosopher 2020. Chapbook (Ginninderra Press 2020) My Photos of Sicily.


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