Monday, 3 October 2022

Four Poems by Mark Young


A Session in Hell


The lift goes down

instead of up. I

realize this only after

the doors open &

I find myself eleven

floors beneath the surface

standing in front of

the fitness centre

where my personal trainer

waits in hetero leather

jackboots to start me

on a regime I had

no idea was ahead

of me. I break out

in a sweat even

before I have done a

thing. I lose years

off my life instead of

pounds. I die healthy.


De-sert / des-ert


In a

dry spell


look for





Words in

a list. Alpha-

bet easy.










Meanwhile, at the Globe Theater


Typhoon. Gryphon.

Sun’s edges set

the sea

inside a lion’s

mane. Wings

on the waves,

claws in the sand.



Typo, a graphon.

Signage cites

a scene,

upsets a lying

man. Wife

on the wane,

sand in the wine.



Timon of Athens.

The Merchant

of Venice. Love’s

Labour’s Lost. Titus

Andronicus. The

Merry Wives

of Windsor. Coriolanus.



Time on my hands.

The mired ant.

Oven ice. Elves

lave ears least, tight ass.

End run and kiss the

Mayor. Wise eyes

suffering curious love.




Choosing what to wear isn't

easy, especially when one often

tries to feature the future &

still fit in. Had an answer to


the criticism, based on heur-

istic & association rules, & the

uprooting of the angular frame.

You should not have to write


more than that. Carl Sagan

talks about the impact of the

computer on the universe, &

of increases of knowledge


available to all. Such as. What's

the difference between the sea-

side, the beachside, & that big

fat place on the rock 'n' roll TV?




Mark Young was born in Aotearoa / New Zealand but now lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia. He has been publishing poetry for over sixty years, & is the author of over sixty books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, non-fiction, & art history. His most recent books are Songs to Come for the Salamander: Poems 2013-2021, selected & with an introduction by Thomas Fink (Meritage Press & Sandy Press); Your order is now equipped for shipping (Sandy Press); & The Advantages of Cable (Luna Bisonte Prods).


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