Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Three Poems by John Yamrus


Leda was a dancer

i think

it was 1969

and we were sitting on

the floor in the front room of her house,


records on the stereo.

i remember

playing Steppenwolf

and Simon and Garfunkle.

i remember

she had her shoes off

and was showing me her feet,

how they

were all messed up

(even at such a young age)


so many years

of standing en pointe

and she said she wasn’t any good

and would

never really get

anywhere at it because

she was too short, but she loved dancing

and nobody

was gonna see her feet, anyway.

at eighteen,

i thought i was a poet,

but i never read Herman Hesse

and only

knew Steppenwolf as

a rock band and it didn’t really matter,


there was Leda

who was right about being

too short to be great ballerina,


she was

young and beautiful

and had a

flower behind her right ear


she smelled like

just cut roses and fresh grass.

she had

real short red hair

and hung around with a

crowd who spent summers at the lake

and liked

to talk about their

new cars and all the money they had.

i don’t know

why she went after me in the first place,

but, she did.

maybe she

thought i was different...

which i was,

because i was

young and dumb and awkward

and when i

walked across a room, i could

feel my brain balanced on the top of my head

and it was a

challenge just getting from here to there,


i thought

i was different

and thought i was a poet

and maybe that’s what Leda saw.


Leda was a dancer and

deep down inside of her she

didn’t like the lake and she really

didn’t like talking about cars or money.

i only

knew her for

that one summer,


our “romance”

(such as it was) only

lasted a couple of weeks,


the play ended.



tell you we were

in a play together, did i?

it was

a lousy play and

i was a lousy actor and

it only

lasted a weekend


she sent me a

telegram on the opening night,


i thought

was the coolest

thing anyone ever did.


Leda was a dancer


i was a poet


i finally did

get to read Steppenwolf.

i thought the band was a whole lot better.

did you ever


of Son House?


Son House...

he played the blues, man!



what sort of

weak-ass shit is that?

Son House

played guitar

like he had ten hands


when he sang,

the walls would shake.



but, did you

ever hear of Son House?

it was

freshman year

at high school and the

first real party i’d been invited to.

it was

maybe 1966

in someone’s basement


all i remember

was the room was small and dark


some guy

picked up a guitar

and played “Wipeout”


the girls smiled

and the guys were jealous

and i

felt as odd,

uncomfortable and


of place

as i still do now.

John Yamrus - In a career spanning more than 50 years as a working writer, John Yamrus has published 35 books (29 volumes of poetry, 2 novels, 3 volumes of non-fiction and a children’s book). He has also had more than 3,000 poems published in magazines and anthologies around the world. A number of his books and poems are taught in college and university courses. He is widely considered to be a master of minimalism and the neo-noir in modern poetry. His latest books are TWENTY FOUR POEMS and SELECTED POEMS: THE DIRECTOR’S CUT. A second volume of his poetry was just released in Europe, translated by Fadil Bajraj..

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