Saturday, 29 July 2023

Ten Haiku by Daipayan Nair




autumn lane —

the madman face to face

with a puddle



guava sunrise —

grandma tucks the pallu

at her waist



burning husks …

mom's incense

in every room



she jumps

on the packed bus

jasmine gust



the child

cups magic in her hands

red admiral




a painful lump

of ice cream



no bites

except for mosquitoes





the stack of hay

on a bicycle



noon fair —

a cheering crowd encircles

the cockfight



hillock climb —

the tea plucker fills her basket

with folk songs



Daipayan Nair - Hailing from Silchar, Assam, India, Daipayan Nair is a haikuist. He writes micropoetry, mostly haiku and tanka poems. His works have been featured on various international platforms and weekly columns like Haiku Dialogue of The Haiku Foundation, Haiku in Action of Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, and FreshOutMag. He has also been published in the Frogpond Journal, the prune juice journal, Under the Basho Journal, Failed Haiku Journal, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Triya Mag, Kingfisher Journal, Poetry Pea Journal, Time Haiku Journal, Failed haiku — a journal of English Senryu, the Akitsu Quarterly, The Wales Haiku Journal among others. His haiku, senryu and tanka have appeared in  the prestigious monthly of haiku KATHA from Triveni Haikai India. His recent collection of haiku and senryu titled "tilt of the winnowing fan" was published in 2022 by Hawakal.



  1. Each haiku is fabulous in it’s own way. Congratulations

  2. Each haiku brought a smile, thank you!


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