Sunday, 23 July 2023

One Poem by Allan Lake


Annual Report


Poems in need of good homes.

Unplanned but not unloved,

unlikely but not all that unlikely –

if you’ve been poking your pen

where it longs to belong. Guilty.

Pen appendage comes with me

wherever I go so it sees action.


Offsprung poems need space

where they can be temperamental

mongrels they are – part dingo,

part sheepdog, looking for pages

to call home before sun burns out.

Uppity bastards have been known

to change the burning world

before being struck by trucks.

Allan Lake is a poet, originally from Allover, Canada, who now writes in Allover, Australia. Coincidence. His latest collection, published by Ginninderra Press, "My Photos of Sicily" contains no photos, only poems.


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