Friday, 7 July 2023

Bird Haiku by Maurizio Brancaleoni - Translation Italian-English


Bird Haiku by Maurizio Brancaleoni - Translation Italian-English 


uccellini a piombo*

senza una nota

* gioco di parole tra 'piombo' (proiettili) e l'espressione 'cadere a piombo'.

embrasure —

little birds are lead* down

without a note

* pun on 'lead' (bullets) and the past tense of the verb 'lead'.

pausa pranzo:

dopo due briciole

marcato dal piccione

lunch break —

after two crumbs

marked by the pigeon

giorno di spesa:

un passero becca

tra i rifiuti

shopping day —

a sparrow pecks

amid the litter

prima colomba

su Google: pronta per la

consegna a casa

first Colomba

on Google — ready for

home delivery

tende da sole:

gare d'albe escrezioni

da rossi embrici

sun awnings —

competing in albous excreta

from red pantiles

Muyassar Kurdi —

quell'uccello nero

incastrato in gola

Muyassar Kurdi —

that black bird

stuck in the throat



Maurizio Brancaleoni is a writer and translator. His poems and short stories have been widely published in several journals and anthologies. He has a bilingual blog where he posts literary gems, interviews and translations:


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