Sunday, 30 July 2023

Three Poems by Amrita Valan


Hocus Pocus an Ekphrastic

Abra ca dabra sayeth she
Bewitching wench
A brunette witch
As I wish so mote it be.
Into the fire I seek thee.
The fathomless crystal ball,
My fierce gaze, mythical.

Lithe as a supine serpent I,
My waving body twist, into
Knots to tie,
The intended charm, to
Plot the harm.
To cast my sorceress spirit,
And seek yours, right to
The gates of hell.
Ball of fuming fabulous fire,
Upon the force of my imperious
Command, become a ravenous
Rotating gyre, fly free from my palm,
Paradisiacal provident sphere.

Prodigal expelled to find chosen one,
The designated sun of brightest brilliance brings,
Freedom's celestial lordly being,
In this frosty space to enthrone the king
Make believe mythical fantastic skies
spellbinding sinister sight, pyromania, of
Byzantine nights of might.

Reign, revolve in grace of light,
Turn and burn, and return again
In ageless gyre, defy, defy the pull
And push of gravitational pyres...
To attractions, repulsions be thou resistant,
Beacon siring eternity.
This focused beam of my powerful throw
Druidic Celtic chant in mythic poetic flow,
Coiled hand in vicious clawing throes,
Coitus of cosmic countdown show.

Now I set thy tempest free,
Universal chaos in motion be
Rip consciousness, shredded
In wild photonic spree, as by the spell I chant,
I cast out thee!

Candlelight vigil past time's speeding arrow
Released into firmaments of sunset's morrow
Sunder armaments of temporalities float
The battlements of Time and space toss
Fulminating glow!


Impermanent Eternity


Permanence is in itself transient

Because every beginning presupposes 

An implied ending

Every ending conceives 

A new beginning

And the Big Bang

That started it all,

Was the moment

Nothing became




And if it was God 

Divine genesis,

No big bang at all

His Word made flesh, then,

It is his Silence 

That intrigues me.


What were his thoughts?

In the silent void

Without words?



Successively bigger bangs

Create bigger universes

The river of chronons

Looping endlessly,

Wondering if


Wonderful symmetry

Of space time

Should veer off,

Wandering into asymmetry...


If Matter should happen, 

Should the mind 

Cease to matter?


For the dense congealed 


That expansion become

Space time

Did it create mind

Or did 

Mind create it?


The tells glare from the 

Gaps in between the tale,

The silence of an 

Indomitable universe

Ruthless, fecund, self-contained 

Oceanic egg.



Your Dominance of My World


Your green gilled breath

Your chiselled health

Your eyes your voice

Teardrops and crystal

Your heart so raw

Your hands so soft

Your throat 

My feathered stalk

Your romping walk

You are tenderness

You are genderless

Your Onyx naivete

Innocence radiates.

Your mind so hard

Diamond razor sharp

Bright as bone

Through broken flesh

Oh my flower, you are

Yet to come, to fruition.


How fierce my fears

My tears, my reveries


That  you may find 

Long lasting roots.


Your virgin stem

Your mobile face

Your trusting grin

Your emotions

Contained in


A wanton need to spill

A calling to heal

May positives seal

May you make

The real deals.


Broken in storms

Yesterday's warmth

Maybe your alms

Your inner Psalms.


My child no more

My boy no more

But you will always be

My son, my morning star 

Young man in the making

The risen sun of my 

Mortal hours.

Amrita Valan is a writer from Bangalore, India and has a master’s degree in English Literature. She has worked in various professions, ranging from the hospitality industry, BPOs and as content creator in deductive logic and reasoning in English.

She is currently a stay-at-home mom to her two boys.

Her work has been published in many anthologies and online journals. The anthologies include, Poetica 2 and 3, To Be or Not To Be a Writer, The Poet’s Christmas Childhood and Faith anthologies, Divided: A Poet’s Stance, The Ink and the Sword, Down the Rabbit Hole, Fire and Ice, Earth Wind Rain and Fire Anthology, The ImpSpired Vol 7& 8 Anthology, The Alien Buddha Wears a Black Bandanna among others. Her poems and stories Have featured in Spillwords, Café Lit, Café Dissensus, Shot glass Journal, Oddball magazine, Modern Literature, Indian Periodical, Potato Soup Journal, Literary Yard, Poetryand Places, LothLorien poetry Journal and Portland Metrozine among many others.

Arrivederci, (Goodbye till we meet again), her debut collection of fifty poems about arrivals and departures, farewells and hopes of reunion, love loss grief and recollection is published on Amazon as of 7 May 2021.



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