Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Three Poems by Lynn White


A Fishy Tale


Oh my love,

I thought you’d left me


I thought you were

beyond rescue

but I see you now


rising to the surface

turning blue with cold.

I shall pluck you

out of the water,

warm you up,

carry you home.

I see you’ve changed

become accustomed to the water,

grown a fish's tail.

You can tell me about it later,

you know I love a fishy tale.


Fish Out Of Water


The birds swooped and dived,

“listen carefully to us”, 

they sang to the fish.

“We lived in water. Then

we wanted to change 

so we came out of the water,

left it below. Then 

we swapped scales for feathers,

exchanged fins for wings.

We soared on the thermals 

and perched in the trees

so come fly with us now 

it’s your turn to leave.”

The fish listened carefully 

they were intrigued.

“How do we fly?”, 

they mouthed 

in response.

“Come up and join us,

we’ll teach you to fly”.

“If you fall from the sky

we’ll teach you to swim”

the fish called up to them.

But the birds didn’t hear

until they joined in.





Her favourite foods were prawns and chocolate.

I wondered if she would be fooled

by torn pieces of plastic

heavily disguised.

She ate them eagerly.

And then


Spat them out

her look of disgust clearly expressing her thinking,

“I wasn’t born yesterday, I’m ten years old

and I’m not one of them brain dead sea fish either!

Oh, and cut out the raspberries,

I’m not a feckin’ blackbird either!”

Then she blew a few bubbles,

swished her tail

and went in search of tadpoles.


First published in Event Horizon, Issue 6, November 2018

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. Her poetry has appeared in many publications including: Consequence Journal, Firewords, Capsule Stories, Gyroscope Review, Blue Pepper, Arachne Press and So It Goes. and

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