Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Five Poems by Tony Brewer


Burlesque Dancer Retiring


for Scarlett Nopantson



getting out (of) her clothes

for good

costumes tossed

on floor & bed


She breaks up uniforms


dressed like a wound

facing the wounded beautiful truth

out there

with her cheap look

dreamed into being

intimate as an act


giving it all away

like bills under a snap

pried away from flesh at the end

of the night


glitter on protons of pasties

snaking slay sashay like blood

coursing between tables

& packed into spare Kroger bags


Alone in

we’re only in it for the money

T-shirt & no panties

holy like fishnets

she shimmies through

worked over & worked by gaze


She’s through

$5 – $10 – free

all comers considered

for all offers a smile


Like this post for more


to come please

changing like wigs

in the backstage night

from timeless flow of stage time

to broken open over quarantine

lights dimmed with the spots off

many morning afters like this

wadded clothes & memories

of desire

& need


The Contract


Small talk being more important

than booze in holding society together


I ask everyone how are you?

and mean it before

getting transactional – even cops


smashing me with clubs

It’s the only way I’ll learn

Dad never said it but I

can hear him – he was the silent


type that made us kids sit

for hours in a chair as punishment

watching golf god help us


This only happens in civilized

cultures – I say how are you?

to soften the blow of interaction

everyone flexing neurotic tattoos


It’s smart not to talk

to cops smarter not to talk at all

cool breeze of swung baton


caressing my face like Italians kiss

then we just do business like good

Americans & leave


Embarrassment of Riches


Tearing into it

like a sloppy rib

this life I’m holding

so gingerly

to keep the whites clean

clothing I mean

& a flimsy trifold napkin

that should be a drop cloth

Fuck it

I chomp down

to the bone

& chip a tooth

smiling through gaps




I lick

the plate





Little man in a little boat

ocean as far as I can see

Embryo amid my new yolk

A hair in my brain soup

A loop I can’t follow

without chasing it offstage

My blind spot


Speck of dust

on a vast blue window

travelling so fast it pecks

me astronaut helmet

Needle in a haystack

Planet – no – system – no

galaxy wavering in the void


lost and losing cohesion

Black mark on everything

a lie always on top

A mystery – a shadow

never quite sure I saw it

or is there something in there

only I can sense?

Tracking the dancer

gliding across my field

so graceful it’s as if

I’m the one moving

she’s frozen in midair – blink

– my stare


The Merwin Way

Must be cold must
be dark remote
always far but no
suddenly a pin
prick of light so
brilliant it cuts
so close eye
meets eye appraising
gods wearing
humanity by
each other
both mirror
and valet
so many


Tony Brewer is a poet and audio artist from Bloomington, Indiana. He is executive director of the Spoken Word Stage at the 4th Street Festival and co-producer of the Writers Guild Spoken Word Series. His books include Hot Type Cold Read, Pity for Sale, and Fragile Batteries. Tony has been offering Poetry On Demand at coffeehouses, museums, cemeteries, churches, bars, and art and music festivals for over a decade, and he is a frequent collaborator with experimental music & field recording ensemble ORTET.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote "Burlesque Dancer Retiring" in the early days of lockdown when a friend was getting rid of their burlyq accoutrement and it was one of the saddest things to me.


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