Sunday, 14 May 2023

Three Poems by Jonathan S Baker




Outside the back door

under a yellow buzzing bulb

I'm burning a smoke

after a night

of letting loose

the sobs from deep in my chest.

The bard owls

start to laugh

madmen from the trees

and it sounds

so much better

to me.


Beinn na Caillich


The screen door rattles

like the scattered bones

of Irish giants

and the mailbox spits

collection letters

at the sound

of her husband's name.


Scribble Scrabble Scrotum Totem


Pitter patter pacing

plush palace promenades.

Jibber jabber jingling

dreams of jagged jade.

Titter tatter table talking

treasonous tread

smoothly swaying

sexy suburban sleds.

Blending better batter

baking bleached bone bread.

Mean mugging miners

meeting meagre mental meds.

Rocky roided riders

righteous riots rushed.

Candy coated klansmen

kept quiet and crushed.

Danger daring daddies

dragging down deserved deaths.

Loopy lippy lying ladies

lifting lengthy legs.

Jonathan S Baker is primarily composed of the stuff of dead stars and suffers from the same insecurities as everyone else.  They are the author of Thump! Thump! (Laughing Ronin Press, 2023) and Long Nights in Stoplight City (Between the Shadows Press, 2023).  They are also co-editor at The Grind Stone and editor-in-chief at Pure Sleeze Press.




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