Saturday, 13 May 2023

Five Haiga Poems by Hifsa Ashraf in Collaboration with Photographs by Oscar Luparia

Five Haiga Poems by Hifsa Ashraf in Collaboration 

with Photographs by Oscar Luparia


Hifsa Ashraf is an award-winning poet, author, editor, and social activist from Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Her work has been widely published. Hifsa is the author of six micropoetry books on gender-based taboos, mental health, socio-cultural, and socio-political issues. She has won The Touchstone Award for Individual Poems 2021 from The Haiku Foundation. She received special mention for her book, Her Fading Henna Tattoo, in the Touchstone Distinguished Books Award 2020 and in the Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award 2021. Her most recent micropoetry collection is hazy crescent moon that is about Islamophobia and published by Alba Publishing UK.
Please follow her on twitter at @hifsays

Oscar Luparia (born in Vercelli, Italy, in 1956) is a trade unionist. Haiku, mountains and the history of engraving are his main passions, without forgetting photography, through which, as it happens for haiku writing, he can satisfy his desire to stop the moment. From 2011 to 2019 he has been a member in the jury of the yearly International Haiku Contest established by the Italian association Cascina Macondo. Some of his poems have been published in several anthologies, international journals and websites.

So far, he has published six haiku collections and two photobooks (all available on the web for free –

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