Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Five Poems by AE Reiff


Earth Descending in the Lovely


To those who own earth in the lovely

with angels defending new moon and tides,

some inevitable ring of fancy

the inn keep cleans of water rings,

What will you, mate? Memory straight

or witty pranks in riper years? Here are doves,

grackles and the audience of heaven.


Dreams working late raise eagles on

the shoulder of a life that it must know,

a smaller female in the lap gathers

A baby snuggles in her fur as if to suck,

the mother preens, the father next my neck

perches with claws as four together sit.

Who is the fourth consumes the people of the sun.


The first condition of clandestine wit

is shadowgraph and counterfeit. 

Then fertile ground turns gas to light

And the history of the underground is marketed about.

The second condition is the electric spread

Of every member, hand and foot obliterated from the old.

One decade could not be free. Images sprayed down,

now it is three and the clouds hours before dawn.

spread hundreds of streaks across the sky

as the spreaders sow to forecast

ruin in the blueprints of dream.


Spectral from the lava of paradise. 

Darius, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander sprawled

on top the stones like extinct volcanoes,

Abandoned flat. There the King of Jerusalem sat

who survived the fall. He said.

these kings are counterfeit to reconstruct Goliath,

 to slip his body through the holes,

wiggle out after seventy generations

to bridle and saddle him centuries

and another year.

 Master Humanyte,

this came to be between the war and the next decades

when the Dayman came to sail Hierosolyma’s streets in time.



The Road to Zion

Trees on both sides watered fruit.

One good each for the water flow.

The name of the city, had no light,

exterior immersed in conscious sleep,

the flude come in full faste.

Waking answers to prayers,

ordered before they were prayed,

to wake we walk from labyrinths

and lightning rods from graves.


Connected quarries, vaults beneath

the discontinuit worn man,

data not half private to itself 

in  words that rose to ankles then the loins,

with a river from the east

that flowed to the desert sea.

Flash cone eyes, no streets or sky,

eyes for Jehu apocryphy before oblation

where Darius came down

and Nebuchadnezzar marched around

and Alexander built breastworks full

and in a peninsula embroidered his limbs.


Set up sail good sir and row

the bands across the sun, and watch,

the ships of light and dark between

escape the past so strong it built upon

this text unwritten, hid away, blue prints

can't hear the nose of this approach.

trails deny war as imposed reality.


I press against the front, as if to push or brake

as much into the beyond, as I went

over the water and the water went over me.

Figures inscribed were rising 

countless people were flying up..

What do they do when they lift their heads?

If I were where I would then

I’d be where I am not.


Good gossips, draw near the river beds

forced to change their walls,

the Seine, Euphrates hardly break from substrate

when, thesis here, counter thesis there,

a river and  a bend flow the sea of ambiguity.

This window shut into thy chamber go.

Are you intimate Monongahela? Susquehanna!

Claudius Drusus Germanicus! Alexander, Caesar,

Napoleon? Who owns the Thames?

At the same time the angel loosed its vial

that dried Euphrates for the invasion of Gog

from the north the nations loose space satellites,

didderum dum, pa rum pum pum pum.


Out so retro a mystery carp, a giant tongue

split rivers in the Mississippi delt

called forth from estuaries derry boats.

New gardeners seeking profit from their mulch.

These Afligidos sing, hands raised,

arms waving arms and hands.

You see them in the unknowing human mind

sometime disport while ballooned in space

Leviathan’s carp teeth impaled upon a Bridge.

“El Señor, El Señor,” they cried.

They read the signs  on I 55 north:

Church bells rang to warn of fish.

But it was not by gas or teeth impaled

that it was razed, even if it was that big.

 It was the shouting arms waved, hands raised,

Crazy Derrida Leave Earth!

“El Señor, El Señor, our life is but a vapor.”


Whether on a moon or some fictitious Earth

To occupy these settlements of myth,

a harbor with mountains even if some conscious doubt

believed they lived old Odyssey,

but could not agree about the carp,

called him Majestic George as if he were

a whale stone hung in air,

a snow hill high as sea bluffs hung

over the  Water Jar the sea invoked

like ghosts of Catterline or off Prouts Neck

 of salt air, wave and storm.



New Troy

Since it has credentials too,

the chamber of democracy in Noah’s port,

is not surprised by Troy.

Among these pantheons of the Wet.

The horse carp enters the city new.

Romantic Priests throw spears against the sea,

Strike that serpent in the side.

One hardly knows such politic

As geography legit or ill.

A Malmsine good and strong evokes

flash thoughts to heart and tongue.

Ships in this water jar overlook creation of a world.


All disjunctures spectral and estranged

come up through physiognomies of crowd

to inhabit arteries and veins. 

Ln a house of viscose mirrors I search

for them who know the name for the sun

the bush and shrub, that they consider god,

to say the sun is not the Father or the Son

who made creation or week day gods

and month year gods and time false gods.

We are only talking about ourselves.


Leviathan Spread.


Being without bodies, cruets and crocks,

fantasies of collective carp, for there are none,

farther than imagined in shadows of the herd,

you look well to see about that leviathan spread.


Escaping, thou may go out in any state.

Salvation in Himmelskuchlichen, flieg aus

Heavenly fly out, one ounce packs exchanged

with Freedom come to no one else. It was a gift.


Jars of pickles exploded over London bridge.

All wars against reGorgonment,

the war to end them all,

check the progress of the sycamore,

for carpenter bees fly the hollows.

We resort to echoes of time and place in a land where myth is real.


Hark sirs, ye know the policy that superpods digest,

whether one kernel went off or not.  

Staccato memory in some remote spot

is not entirely forgot. Standestaat cordons off.


Manhood, it goes without saying, denied,

overridden by the lost, hankers

and harks to causes imagined

Parts are made of boxcars underground.


Wello thay, the rebels consumed with talk.

A dove my lute, I send.

Wello thay, how did far they fall?

Itser, mitzy, titzy, tool, Ira dira, dominu.

Whatever they were the creep-made rule

Remade the physical world.


Squid Hats

Elite discoveries of preAdamite machines from ancient Sumerian sites stored  in Mosul with the Lapis Gilgamesh had no empirical evidence more than the Ark of Gabriel or Scalia's Ash trailed to Antarctica. The Ark of Gabriel went Feb 2016 to the old  Builder Palace of the Puradu Fallen that left the 12 ft tall dehydrated pot-bellied long heads ajar. Where they came from is in your Bible and below. All buildings flash froze about the time of the electrical scouring of Mars, but technologies were preserved.


Eyes tasselled down the back the fish spy-hat,

to swollen carcasses ranged below of Antarctic Cities,


 propose you know the solar system ancient wars

ten million years ago control mermen in the Pentagon

each epoch wiped the lakes and streams,

fish bone mostly frozen now

scanned from space disclosed.

 Presume the bodies of a fish of slithering Dagons bow

 Adiabatic cold torsos in U.S. bunker Mandela Effects,

strangelets, to name a few carp puradu below.


These amphibian run on land to Bahrain, Qatar and Dilmun

where Hillary and Barak had come from Sirius A and B.

A second Noah found these fish in America,


a way of saying Europe, Curtius, Auerbach


Dogon Nommos sausages from Lake Vostok squid


Deposited in the Thames and Irish Sea


And across America, octopus egg squid hats swarmed


hours before but sliced off with an axe Obama


fled the Russian hack to labs where every mutant blabbed.

AE Reiff has published The JFK Order and A Translation of the New Philadelphia (Grand Canal Flyway, 2023), Memoir of Angels and A Bloody Theory of Divine Light (Newfoundland Books, 2022)


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