Lucy mulled over continents of infractions,
witnessing unjust juries in each vista as
she surfed on a safety net of bravery.
She pulled a blanket of succorance
around the tormenting unexplainable,
a tank of tears the fuel driving her.
She stepped back into the dark box,
where god’s black dressed monster
was cruelly decorating children’s futures
and exchanged turmoil for inner peace,
guilt for the gift of happiness,
self-esteem for years of torment.
She placed liability deep into his heart,
etched an appropriateness of guilt and regret
into his mind and replanted shame.
A tsunami of happiness etching itself
into a once broken fragmented heart as she
stepped into a peaceful cheerful future.
She observed a diurnal rush of joy nurse
its way into every cell and she embraced it.
Lucy felt the perfect healing she had longed for,
installed by acceptances’ retribution, while
a dissemination of isolation was scattered
into his future and a happy child was born.
Chewing her Cud
Without asking, he told me
that the old boat had tugged her
out to a place where the religious
fill their dreams, to where an audience
of repaired grandparents play.
I begged him to dismount from
the saddle of remorse he was riding,
to polish the parlour and dress each
room with favourites of flowers
and long ago visited photographs.
Dine with dreams I told him,
unpack the contraband,
swim in glorious memories and
reap the unseen sown by forefathers,
tend to memories borrowed from the future.
Standing for his first time he exhaled,
‘she was the bull’s red rag’,
he swallowed,
‘a Dante inferno and I
loved the bones of her’.
Cufundarea în gânduri
Fără să-l întreb, mi-a spus
că barca cea veche a dus-o
în locul cu care credincioșii
își umplu visurile, acolo unde strămoșii
sunt tămăduiți și se joacă
L-am implorat să coboare
de pe spinarea căinței, pe care călărea
să dea lustru casei și să îmbrace
fiecare cameră cu florile ei preferate
și cu fotografii ce n-au mai fost privite de mult timp
Ia cina împreună cu visurile, i-am spus
despachetează sentimentele de contrabandă
scufundă-te în amintirile minunate și
culege cele nevăzute, sădite de străbuni
ai grijă de amintirile luate cu împrumut din viitor
Ridicându-se în picioare pentru prima oară, a dat drumul
la cuvinte
”ea a fost capa roșie din fața taurului”
a înghițit
”un infern al lui Dante
dar am iubit-o dincolo de oase”.
Gene Barry - Irish Poet, Art Therapist, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.
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