Friday, 24 January 2025

Two Poems & Ten Tanka Poems by Ram Krishna Singh


Search My Own Music

Dull notes of life

await re-ordering--

rhythm and pitch

behind closed walls humming

to search my own music


shake the silent soul

before the final beat

create symphony

merging truth and dream on

lips and eyes that’re alive

Body's No Picnic

Not too many issues

yet enough to upset

the mind of men and women

in postlapsarian world:


she blames me for changing size

shifting shape and cracking bones

aching joints and sleeplessness

menopausal ups and downs


she kicks me out of bed

saying my body’s no picnic


I know it’s difficult

to be a woman and wife

working and making home


I may be no saint

in your eyes but I never

tried to remake you

in my own or God’s image


I can’t give birth like you

nor can I stop the changes in you

I’ve no miracle pill


your body, your anger

I love you as you are

let’s carry no useless weight


Ten Tanka

Sealed vial

a product of time

I am

cut open and see

how life spends me



Anal bleeding

overweening reliance

on faith healing

leshies inside astray

limping hope and hairy age



Much before they script

new jihad for romance--

racist purity

in a cracked mirror each one

looks for share in the grabbed moon



Half-drunk women

on one side of the road

pimps on the other

ready to seize first-timers

to the tin box by street lamps




While I sit still

how my shadow moves

the little flame of candle

tossing against the wind

or wheedling passion nestles

in the grey of mound




Standing on a cloud

look through an open door way:

desires awakened

before I could step inside

the door closed, I missed my chance




Unquenched thirst

more and more indulgence

momentary pleasure

she says it’s enough now

rein the horse and seek the missed





the cup of remorse—

begging bowl

before the dumb deity

years of noisy silence



God has become

a habit in helplessness

faith a deception

when unable to enjoy

love, life and wonders of world


Stars on the earth

these glow-worms I want to clasp

into hands and

offer to God as flowers

of my first obeisance



Ram Krishna Singh, also known as R.K.Singh, has been writing  for over four decades now. He has been professionally concerned with teaching and research in the areas of English language teaching, especially for Science and Technology, and Indian English Poetry practices. Till the end of 2015,  Professor of English  at IIT-ISM in Dhanbad, Dr Singh has published 60 books, including  poetry collections  Growing Within/Desăvârşire lăuntrică  (English/Romanian, 2017), There’s No Paradise and Other Selected Poems Tanka & Haiku (2019), Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, 2019), Silencio: Blanca desconfianza: Silence: White distrust (Spanish edition, Kindle, Spanish/English, 2021), A Lone Sparrow (English/Arabic, 2021), Against the Waves: Selected Poems (2021) and  Knocking Vistas And Other Poems (2024).  

His haiku and tanka have been internationally read, appreciated and translated into several languages. His awards and honours include Ritsumeikan University Peace Museum Award, Kyoto, 1999, Certificate of Honour and Nyuusen Prize, Kumamoto, 2000 and 2008, Life time Achievement Award of the International Poets Academy, Chennai, 2009,  Aichi Prefecture Board of Education Award, Japan, 2015, Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize, Lebanon, 2015, nomination for Pushcart Prize, 2013, 2014, and Citation of Brightest Honour, International Sufi Centre: Sufi World, Bangalore, September 2020. Find him on X (Twitter) @profrksingh  and  on Facebook .


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