Friday, 24 January 2025

Five Poems by Paul Tristram


Taking In The Room (On All Levels)


“Your first group 


… and the ones  

with blatant 


and fluctuating 


will shuffle 

and back-hover. 

Slight stammers 

are eagerness, 

and nail-biting  

is nervousness. 

Once you get 

past the 


and ‘Detergents’ 

… you might 

get lucky with 


like fresh twigs 

snapping briskly 

in a heavily 

bluebelled wood. 

That’s the ticket 

… Jackpot, 

big ‘Potential’ 

… and the Host 

isn’t even aware 

of the ‘Power’ 

they are carrying.” 




Listen To The Dogs (Of Instinct)… They’re Never Wrong


There’s a (Dark) ‘Power’ 

… in those who 

treat/see ‘Alienation’ 

… as others 

view ‘Going Home’.  

The ‘Cold Side’ 

of the bed 

comforts those 


stifled, claustrophobic  

by (Too Much) 


Those who Vampire 

retreat back to 

the Shadows… 

recharge differently 

… and Fairy Tales, 

to them, have always 

been Blueprints and 

Warnings not just Stories. 




Metanoia Miracles


… Depression, 



for sure 

… yet,  


behind and 


there is a  


taking place. 

There is a  






is why 

I merely  




and leave  

her… be. 

We are  

back to  


and this 


will be  



this Depth) 




to ‘Butterfly’ 

(Big) Changes… 



Audio Tear


“… so, Max Ernst’s  

‘Figure Ambigue 


is the opposite of how  

your brain works? 

Cats, although lovely, 

‘Distract’ and KEEP  

OUT the ‘Good’ 

things as well as ‘Bad’ 

… and your Grampa 

smiled widely when 

-ever the ‘Stealing 

By Finding’ Law 

was ever mentioned. 

See, Mister? I know 

I’m laughing… 

I only said ‘Penny 

for your thoughts’ 

and all ‘That’ came  

out without ‘Pause’ 

or ‘Reflection’…  

as if you were simply  

giving street directions.” 




Back To Gloucester


Selective in your ‘Chivalry’ 

… there is a ‘Forget the  

Dog Beware of the Owner’ 

sign hanging off the razor 

wire on the Boundary Walls 

surrounding your Emotions. 

“I once saw a ‘Big Cat’, 

an hour from Churchdown, 

sleek and muscle-rippling, 

walking along a hedgerow 

… from the passenger 

window of an old red Rover, 

as we towed a caravan 

(I wrote the first chapter 

of ‘The Candletree Graves’ 

whilst living in) down to 

Summercourt in Cornwall.” 

I stand a far more complete 

man today, than ever before 

… I am becoming an entire 

‘Atlas’ all by my very self. 

Rolling-up (mental) sleeves 

and tackling ‘Negative’ 

Patterns and Behaviours… 

rather than running away 

takes you further in the End.

Paul Tristram is a widely published Welsh writer who deals in the Lowlife, Outsider, and Outlaw genres.  He wrote his first poem as a teenager following his release from the (Infamous) Borstal ‘HMP Portland’, and he has been creating Literary Terrorism ever since. His novel ‘Crazy Like Emotion’ published by Close To The Bone Publishing is now available. 






















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