Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Five Poems by Irene Cunningham



They Say My Mother Was a Mermaid 



That she left me on a morning beach for 

sun-worshipers, with their towels and picnics. 


Did she dream of being a walker? I have swam 

deep-dived searching this coast for signs  


of other life – nothing. I think of her dreaming  

the sky. We wonder at the stars, if there will ever  


be explorers out there; I’m tempted but caught. 

Saving for a glass-bottomed boat to try 


peripheral vision, looking for trinkets, or 

structures, or something beckoning me home. 


I have webbed feet, and suspect my fingers  

were surgically freed. Am I a hidden being 


disguised, awaiting the rise of a super power? 

They say I’ll never be satisfied with the lack 


of proof. Fantasy's in art, movies, books, ballet.  

I exist; so must others. If I met and loved one 


could we throw our child into the sea within 

hours of its birth? Hoping it’s legs would fuse 


into a fish-tail. Would someone come then?







Faces flash teeth, lean in to preach, teach, stretch possibilities into well-polished facts as if their sooth was worth saying. Damaged/short intellect builds a glut; in-roads, out-roads, roundabouts, Tarzan rope swings. Have we collapsed into a race of tragedians? Basic intelligence gone, MPs, crafty characters in dystopian horror… are we unaware that Ride of the Valkyries is playing overhead? Sleepers in doorways feel the lack of cash, will witness a king on smart plastic paper. We walk on top of surf crashing, assisting wild wind, deafening us, promenade, swim in outside seating, music bombing into you until your head's alight. Star in a fiery sunset, promise yourself there’ll be more. There was a bomb; it wasn’t smart; The Grand is grand indeed, salutes the sea wearing its best white. Air and wind catch us on corners, curved, ready for scooping, to fly free.  




for Fabia 


Lady Midwinter watches kites dribbling tails, 

trailing, waving at the past way down below. 


Sky wants her up there, draws a tether to lilac, 

fuses into purples, fluffs up, puffs of white to 


show bruises, old hurts until they fade. Now 

she feels the blue, directionless, uplifted in  


thermals, thrown down to find new skills, curve 

& swell, twist & bend in thrills @ spilling time 


in trippy interspatial tropicality. Palm trees bow, 

offer long fronds to cool eccentric passions. 


Her wolves are cooly confident, quirky in kind 

inclusion – not killers for gain other than food; 


they see her as a fairy tale – not Cruella, more 

the good witch of the west, woodland Galadriel. 


They’d walk the streets of London with her on 

a leash, if allowed in City-world, be fan-beasts 


posing for selfies with fangirls and rough boyz. 

Brighton hasn’t been paying attention; she needs 


more than it's offering, but its long stretches to 

promenade keep her here; its regency buildings 


hold history in the heart, pleasure in gaze-worthy 

creams and creamy lemon. These streets knew 


pomp & presence of the rich, famous and royal, 

now house food-tours from almost everywhere if 


we could all afford to eat out. Every night would 

take us around the world in spicy, flavoursome 


faux tradition… but slipping out of the ordinary 

is a journey not so far but deep in fantasy art. 


The undecorated can be beautiful too, in bright  

enthusiasm; animating force expresses how being  


alive doesn’t depend on gold or rubies fused  

in your teeth; it’s the art of casual/impulsive flight.






She waves a mantle of dismissal     is a god bearing invisibility. 

We’re ants     small enough to irritate     be an infection     are less 

than     are failure     successful only to make others sneeze 

swipe off surfaces. She peers     not curious. Sad     as if  

she knows everything     a witness compelled. We should be 

careful where we walk     the world is littered with landmines. 

The race is still occupying the atmosphere     signals disrupting  

digital biography. She only sees resulting annihilations     sparks 

glittering like space-rain. Perhaps she waits for a clear board. 


The little folk are leaving     planting footprints     on everything. 

They’re walking up walls across my art     tip-toeing around  

the ceiling following Artex patterns. It’s fine. I’m trailing after  

them with spray varnish to prove their existence if a need arises  

but it won’t because no one believes. They’ll think I’ve gone      

way over the top     slipped down the pipe. I appreciate the Farewell 

It’s very personal which is why I won’t say a thing to anyone.  

They must’ve had a ball all last night in my living room and hall.  


My bedroom is left virgin as comparison as if they recognised  

naked walls     kept distraction back     persuading sleep to come.  

The house sparkles in sudden flashes of colour. You can see their toes  

printed     flurries of dots to match my mood this morning. Outside 

people are running a marathon. Inside I’m tripping to Irish fiddles  

and bluegrass jazz     windows open     keeping me alive in the moment 

muslin curtains wafting     making the day spin in anticipation of new  

ventures and tantalising risk. Though I worry the garden will be lonely.







It perched on a low wall, all teeth and jutting jaw, feet swinging, clacking back at brick. You want to dance? it said, sweeping me off my feet. Heat distorted my vision as we waltzed, quick-stepped the zebra crossing, twirled down a side street, round a swing-park, along canal paths and over a bridge until I was wiped out. It sat me on a wall, and I caught sight of my legs; shoes were gone. You see, she said, sucking my body to old bones. Hers were now covered in pinking new skin, thin but altered. Sad that we disregard former bodies on their echo trail. Even ancient shadows belong to us, entertain through leavings of living; in scars, rubble unearthed, mythologised to include vengeful old gods. And modern hauntings knock our walls, scaring those left behind, giving birth to philosophies, flutters on the edge of notice in peripheral corners. Wouldn’t we wish them or the fragments of their being a few last strolls through our space in the world?


Irene Cunningham has had many poems in many magazines and anthologies over the decades, was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, won Autumn Voices memoir competition, and once won a week at Arvon with Roger McGough & Libby Houston. 2019 Hedgehog Press published, SANDMEN: A Space Odyssey, a poetry conversation with Diana Devlin. 2020 FIONA WAS HERE, Amazon. In 2022 Dreich Press published, No Country for Old Woman. 2023 Amazon: Talking to Walls, and Up@Ground Level. 

1 comment:

  1. Lady Midwinter Wolf29 January 2025 at 01:38

    A wonderful, magical collection from Irene. Writing is her DNA. This is a well deserved publication.


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