Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Three Poems by Darlene Witte


Perfect Grace, This Tender Stem  


Longing for flame 

warmth, I wander 

sedges sharp 

aromas of sage, kinnikinnick  

feather fronds graceful 

follow my steps. 

Crow wheels, traces arcs in the air 

marks my way 

along your mountain wall. . .  

Have you yet returned?  

Reach down, juniper berries 

hard, round, a little sage 

drop into my pocket. 

Breath slows 

clouds drift 

pace the pathway  

my own threshold 

open doorway, stone house 

fire, kettle sings 

savour this cup of Meadowalk Tea . . . 

treasure gathered along the way. 


Thread of golden honey 

enchants my cup 

sweet, warm perfume. 

Into the leaves I look to you 

Colour, faint, catches my heart. 

Your eyes watch afar 

bluebell emerges, your gift 

perfect grace, lightly hung 

this tender stem.



The Gift 


It is given to you  

to hear the voice of earth 

singing in fire 

fire singing  

in wild 

blue heart  

tumbling river water 

wind soughing 

over plains 

reaching deep 

into stillness of stone 

hearing what is silent 

seeing what is hidden 

igniting the lifeless 

drinking sweet drops  

from this cup of everlasting 


walking with mystery 

lying in fronds of fern 

feathered, curled 

misted grass 

running toward what many fear 

embracing the Beauty  

within your own 




The Grace of Wild Stars 


I asked for seven stones  

to waken me from sleep 

but it was seven songs  

from the desert place  

that came 

showed me how to  

hear sand sing 

feel wind move. . . 

Stars shone  

though I was far away 

taught me of release 

again and again they sang 

slow, open, generous flow, glow. 

Stardust came to sand 

in this tiny tale of grace 

favour unmerited. . . 

showed me the way of it 

this opening of the hand 

awakening of ears 

wild star grace 

wild glow 

star singing 

hidden so sweet, 

quiet beating of my heart.

By Darlene Witte from Vermont


  1. Absolutely beautiful, each poem resonates with my soul and senses.

  2. Beautiful soothing, thoughtful


One Poem by Wendy Webb

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