Saturday, 11 January 2025

Three Ghazal Poems by Steffen Horstmann

In the Clouds 



Thunder shakes houses in your dream of jets that collide in the clouds, 

Echoing through sea gales that rise like a tide in the clouds. 


The sky was shedding ashes & floating embers that sparkled, 

Light flamed where I saw the phoenix's shadow glide in the clouds. 


Virgil, do you still hear the screeches of harpies in your dreams, 

Like shrill screams through winds the Boreads ride in the clouds? 


The ocean whispering from conch shells summons Vishnu, its voice 

Ascending to where silver rays of moonlight slide in the clouds. 


Was Zeus entranced by the light in Galatea's eyes, so that she 

Imagined riding the winds as his sea-born bride in the clouds? 


In the shifting darkness the shapes of skulls coalesce in mist, 

Through lightning we see the shadow of Kali's stride in the clouds. 


The wind's shriek is the cry of the djinn Ravana exiled 

To the sky, a refugee compelled to hide in the clouds. 




[We heard the wraith's voice in our dreams as we slept in the shadows] 



We heard the wraith's voice in our dreams as we slept in the shadows, 

With wind chiming through icicles as phantoms wept in the shadows. 


Raindrops nestled in her hair became diamonds in the moonlight, 

Rose petals adorned her gown of mist the wind swept in the shadows. 


Vines cover the galleon a jungle grew around, where ocean gales 

Polished gold coins fallen near a treasure still kept in the shadows. 


You shivered as you heard the words of a dark charm as though whispered 

To the cadence of flames, from where the shaitan crept in the shadows. 


Sita, as we spoke my breath sculpted your face into the dark, singed 

By embers in smoke rising from flames that leapt in the shadows. 


Layla's starlit silhouette still appears in a desert garden, 

On a path strewn with poppies, where Majnoon stepped in the shadows. 




The Catacombs 



Khufu's voice echoes through wind that rages in the catacombs, 

Speaks of the war his kingdom still wages in the catacombs. 


The flames of candles are tongues whispering into webs, through fog 

Rising from the granite tombs of sages in the catacombs. 


Voices led me through cobwebs like silk mist, to secret chambers 

Where skeletons of spies lie in cages in the catacombs. 


A book of spells was torn apart by the hands of Ravana, 

Where shimmering dust still veils it pages in the catacombs. 


Cobras are etched into coffins stacked in corridors, where djinns 

Transformed to shadows to hide from sages in the catacombs. 


You still dream of diamonds gleaming in a gold light, the treasure 

Stored behind dark walls, hidden through ages in the catacombs.

Steffen Horstmann's poems and book reviews have appeared in publications throughout the world, including Baltimore ReviewFree State ReviewIstanbul Literary ReviewOyez ReviewSan Antonio ReviewTexas Poetry Journal, and Tiferet. He has published two books of ghazals, Jalsaghar (2016) and Ujjain (2017).













1 comment:

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