Sunday, 19 January 2025

Five Poems by Karen A VandenBos


The Stars Wore Halos 


My dear Theo, 


With my own eyes the blue of night, I look out my window  

before the edge of dawn and am greeted by the morning star  

of Venus glowing in a halo of virgin white. Oh how the vision  

of this makes me suffer and you know too well that I cannot  

rest until I free these internal emotions to canvas. It is in painting 

that the bars come off the windows. 


I stand here in the room I call my studio, yet before I begin to 

paint I feel I must describe to you the beauty that this starry night  

has bestowed upon my senses and commit it to memory. 


Let me tell you how a celestial map is spread out before me, helping  

me navigate the darkness, absorbing my spirit into the cosmos.  How  

the stars glow like little suns, their eyes looking into mine.  Stars so  

close, I feel I can reach out, touch them and lick their sugary sparkles  

from my fingertips. 


It is as if the stars are blooming, illuminating the darkness of my  

mind, letting me see down corridors I didn't know existed. A crescent  

moon, curved like my missing ear, hangs in the corner listening. 


Down below, the village is slumbering except for a few windows  

glowing with lights acting like beacons, guiding the lost souls home.   

The church steeple, tall enough to pierce holes in the night sky, lets  

the stars shine through.  A cypress tree rises like a dark flame moving 

with the breath of God. 


Oh yes dear brother, I can see the winds swirling, blue tidal waves of  

energy, with emotions like my own thoughts, ever turbulent.  I feel like I  

am one with this painting before I have even started, knowing as I do, 

life and death, darkness and light and the vastness of the universe. 


Now I must say goodbye, pick up my brush and go into this starry night.   

Oh dear Theo, how I want to believe it will not be another failure for I see  

such hope in these stars. 


Ever yours, 




(after Van Gogh's painting Starry Night) 





The Future In My Hands 


I met her on a forest trail, a woman 

of grey hair and a crooked walk who 

held the light of the universe in her 

deep blue eyes.  The kind of eyes that 

looked right through me and knew 

things about me that I had yet to learn. 

She held my palm in her hand and 

let her fingers touch the lines in my 

skin as if reading braille.  She began 

to mumble to herself as she closed 

her eyes and swayed with the breath 

of the trees.  She told me of the 

things to come if I did not learn how 

to read the messages that were 

etched in my hands by the ancient 

ones who gathered at my birth. 

She told me my destiny had been 

foretold many years ago when  

women were known as seers and 

knew how to interpret the dreams.  

I watched as her eyes darkened and  

saw my reflection and knew that my  

own future was waiting in the palm  

of my hands. 







It was the crone who told me 

poetry was my fate. 

She sent crows to pluck words 

from my skull and claws to 

open my wounds. 

She told me when snowflakes 

fly like moths between my 

legs it would be time to feed 

a slice of orange to the setting 

sun and empty my throat of 

its river. 





The Hour of Dreams 


It is time. 


The hour between the screech of the owl 

and the howl of the coyotes. 


The time when moonbeams creep silently 

across my bed and lift me from slumber 

to travel the night sky. 


Passing a star I reach for it to guide me 

through the shifting clouds and the sea  

of black and watch as the luminous  

architectural bones of the heavens are 

revealed to me in a flash of lightning. 


As I drift further into my dreams I am 

standing before a stained glass window 

where my ancient life is spread before 

me and I smell the shores of Scotland. 


Entering the next realm I am greeted by 

travellers from my recent past and I taste 

the colour of loss and sorrow on my tongue 

and watch as storm clouds gather and 



Quickly spinning through time I enter 

the moment of now and wonder at the  

words I write and the well of things I 

have to say before I am whooshed  

through another portal to a distant past. 


I adjust my vision and notice there is 

a fine line between life and death.  It 

is a time where ghosts tend to others 

as we once tended to them.  A place 

where the broken have been formed into 

wings of angels.  A place where we 

walk between two worlds as one. 





An Inventory of Small Wonder Dreams 


Each day carries with it an inventory of  

the little things that I do not want to forget. 

Things like the tiny acorns that grow into 

majestic oaks and the speckled brown eggs  

in the nest we found on the side of the bird 

feeder.  Last night it was the pop up glow  

of the fireflies that lit the sky.  From inside  

I watch the orb spider wait patiently to feel 

the pull of a thread as her unsuspecting meal 

moves closer. Bees buzz like drones through 

the garden filling their baskets and tickling  

the flowers as the birds sing the songs that  

were born of them thousands of years ago. 

I follow a newly hatched swallowtail butterfly 

as she unfurls her wings against the brick of  

the house.  As the sun settles in for the night  

I reach out to touch the stars and call these  

small wonders into my dreams. 











Karen A VandenBos was born on a warm July morn in Kalamazoo, MI. She has a PhD in Holistic Health where a course in shamanism taught her to travel between two worlds where she can be found unleashing her imagination in two online writing groups. A Best of the Net nominee, her writing has been published in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Blue Heron Review, The Rye Whiskey Review, One Art: a journal of poetry, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Ekphrastic Review, Southern Arizona Press, MacQueen's Quinterly, Moss Piglet, Panoply and others.








1 comment:

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