Friday, 10 January 2025

Five Poems by Robin Wright





Light struggles to enter here 

abandoned on a whisper 

of never no not ever 


We light a fire and pray 

the gods will secure us 

to the good life 

Love Happiness Health 

but greed conquers most 

leaves the rest with hope 

covered in moth holes 




Wonder lies beneath the soft bed 

trap door in the floor 
glazed-over eyes watch 
the film of life 

cloudy       brazen 
hard to stop in the basement of grief 

loud and explosive 
ears covered to avert trauma 
clowns’ red noses humble 
the eyes and heart



Honeymoon Cage


Where you’re stuck 
like a stiletto in mud 
from the beginning, love  
not what you saddled up 
before saying I do, 
until you didn’t. 

Forge ahead, cradle 
all that causes you 
not to spill your will 
before a track laid 
for escape into uncertainty 
you no longer fear. 



Notes from a Funeral

Turn of the body from fluid 
to inanimate does not limit 
the memories of said body 
in motion or in silence. 

Carnations wither, 
faces in the crowd leak tears, 

mascara streaked to a Pollock. 

Limbs move without direction. 

Splatter ashes on a canvas, 
careening to the brutal edge. 
Life moved from one stage 
to a smaller notion of time. 
I’ll whisper in your ear, 
a teapot hissing your song. 





Vision in the eye of a tornado 

Whispers in the blare of a siren 

Warm fire in a winter storm 

Net cast over the pit 

Safety of home in the chaos 

Hands that hold not hit


Robin Wright lives in Southern Indiana. Her work has appeared in As it Ought to Be, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, One Art, Loch Raven Review, Panoply, Rat’s Ass Review, The Beatnik Cowboy, Spank the Carp, The New Verse News, and others. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and a Best New Poets 2024 nominee. Her first chapbook, Ready or Not, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020.



  1. Powerful poetry, like fingernails scratching across a blackboard. Congrats.


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