Sunday, 4 February 2024

Two Poems by Snigdha Agrawal


Reluctant bedfellow

I tried
   adjusting, readjusting
   to fit into the coupling position
   but you always played
   hard to get
   slipping away from my embrace

I've been pursuing you 
   for the past two decades
   promising my undying devotion
   my total commitment
   but you've been dodging
   my advances
I'm at my wits' end
   down on my knees begging
   for your attention
   you ignore with great finesse
   I implore you to kiss my lids
   wide-eyed night after night
   suicidal thoughts
   running in my head

Do you now understand the gravity of the situation?
Come, before it's too late, sweet slumber
The onus to save, lies with you, my friend.

Trapped Miners (Triku series 5-7-5 3*3)

Scene I
They were not to know
What awaited them below
Inside the tunnel

Dhruv and Ved, two friends
Closed in darkness shared secrets
Privy to black stones

The tunnel collapsed
Covered under the debris
Friends sat side by side

Scene II
News of the cave-in
Reached families of miners
Shocked into silence

Can they be rescued?
Wives asked the authorities
Praying all the while

Homes did not light lamps
Dinner lay untouched that night
Food, the last thing on mind

Scene III
Forty-one of them
At subterranean place
Inhaling toxins

Food packets were dropped
Notes from loved ones inserted
'Stay strong, remain brave'

Spirits never dipped
Rescuers above heard chants
'We shall overcome'

Scene IV
On seventeenth day
Saved from the dark jaws of death
Felt sunshine bathe them

The small miner's town
saw folks on the streets waving
celebrating life

Glory be to God
Songs of praise hung in the air
Men hadn't let up

Snigdha Agrawal enjoys writing all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, and travel diaries. Brought up in a cosmopolitan environment, and educated in Convent School/College run by Irish Nuns, she has imbibed the best from Eastern and Western cultures. She has published four books of poems and short stories.  The latest titled TRAIL MIX is a book of short stories, published in 2023 by Authorspress Publishing House and is available on Amazon. in. She is widely published in domestic and international anthologies and poetry journals.  A septuagenarian, her passion for writing and travelling continues unabated.

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