Saturday, 10 February 2024

Ten Haiku Poems by Rekha Valliappan


Haiku –



tired of winter life            

filling green gardens


blossoms in bloom                                                      pale moonlight

in valleys on hillsides                                                 silver fields of wild rice

spring is here                                                              for flocking birds



hanging baskets                                                          in summer fields

aflame with blossoms                                                 flocks of finches

a cold wind blows                                                       winging free



gentle breezes                                                             a shrill cry

rustle oak trees                                                            starlings alive in flight

how bright the day                                                      on a fresh wind



wishing for spring                                                      moonbeams

in the cool of evening                                                 dripping moon dreams

fragrance fills the air                                                  lost moments sipping tea


in barren fields

a cold winter moon

casts a lone shadow



Rekha Valliappan is an award-winning multi-genre writer of prose and poetry. Her poems and prose-poems feature in various journals and anthologies online and in print, including Ann Arbor Review, The Sandy River Review, The Pangolin Review, Nixes Mate Review, Madras Courier, The Wild Word, Wings of Wonder Poetry Anthology, JMWW Literary Journal, and other places. Her poem 'The Ghostly Luna' was named Poem of the Week in Red Fez, and another poem 'Sakura' earned her a Pushcart Prize nomination. Her short stories and creative nonfiction are widely published.

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