Monday, 5 February 2024

One Poem by Oonah V. Joslin


Year of the Dragon 2024


The Rabbit’s danced its bunny dance

until the year was done.

Been munching through allotments

and ruining the lawn.


But now it feels a dragon’s fire

warm as the sun’s strength grows

and it sees its shadow shorten

on the last of Winter’s snows.


Signs have been written in the sky

that the end is drawing near,

curtains of colour dragons breathe.

And the rabbit quakes with fear.


When a powerful dragon streaks the sky,

what’s a bunny going to do?

Hoppity, Hoppity down the hole

before it's barbeque!



Oonah V Joslin was born in N. Ireland. Her first poetry was published in the school magazine. Teaching took over but she never stopped writing. For the past 15 years she has accumulated an online body of work which includes Flash Fiction from MicroHorror to humour, a Novella, 'Genie in a Jam' in Bewildering Stories and a her book 'Three Pounds of Cells' published by The Linnet's Wings Press. Oonah served as poetry editor at Every Day Poets and until recently, at The Linnet's Wings for a total of 12 years. You can see Oonah reading Almost on Brantwood Jetty, from her book, aboard The Steam Yacht Gondola in a National Trust video and follow her on Facebook.

Oonah has always believed in dragons!

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