Saturday, 24 February 2024

Ten Haiku Poems by Daipayan Nair


Haiku by Daipayan Nair





winter lane gossip

she jumps to smash

the shuttlecock





jasmine heap

the woman knitting

a fresh bargain





neem shade squeal —

a group of children attempt

the alphabet





orange farm dusk

she adds another shade

to the basket





fresh jujubes —

a schoolgirl skips down

the village lane





grandma's toes

a giggling child hits

the first keynote






the young farmer lifts

his lungi





village noon —

a woman ties the clothesline

between two neems






over the chicken coop

bus conductor





last box of pears

a man double taps

the truck door 



Daipayan Nair - Hailing from Silchar, Assam, India, Daipayan Nair is a haikuist. He writes micropoetry, mostly haiku and tanka poems. His works have been featured on various international platforms and weekly columns like Haiku Dialogue of The Haiku Foundation, Haiku in Action of Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, and FreshOutMag. He has also been published in the Frogpond Journal, the prune juice journal, Under the Basho Journal, Failed Haiku Journal, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Triya Mag, Kingfisher Journal, Poetry Pea Journal, Time Haiku Journal, Failed haiku — a journal of English Senryu, the Akitsu Quarterly, The Wales Haiku Journal among others. His haiku, senryu and tanka have appeared in the prestigious monthly of haikuKATHA from Triveni Haikai India. 


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