Sunday, 11 February 2024

Six Poems by Ira Rosenstein


Take Them

Music-hungry Universe, 
Here are my bones to rattle forever.


A swan—with frost on its feathers. 
It’s far from home. 
Or comfortable and warm in the poem.

Disobeying The Dream 

“Your hug is wasted. 
I’m only a dream.” 
Still, I hug my father. 

Leaving Earth 

Leaving the planet 
He thought 
So many amazing apes 
Too bad


to the old body betraying him 

I asked you to do so much 
to lift great weights 
sporadically love 

so still must I praise you 


decode her? 
she is a code under the sea 
a snowflake that never melts 

or a blizzard

Ira Rosenstein is a poet in New York City and has also been a playwright, novelist, musical book writer, blog writer, and radio producer (with even a little bit of anchoring and talking on-air). These six poems are part of a very large group of short works called Mere Poems. His latest book (unpublished) is The Winter Hunt, 104 poems/poem hybrids in 327 pages, ranging from Meres to very long story  poems/hybrids.

Mr. Rosenstein welcomes communication at More of his writing, poetry and prose, can be read at

1 comment:

  1. Words to reread, reeling in depth, presented in simplicity, arriving for the heart of us.


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