Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Five Tan-renga by Karen O'Leary & Paul Callus


Five Tan-renga by Karen O'Leary & Paul Callus


the cup that never


the glowing embers

of generosity  


Karen O'Leary, West Fargo, North Dakota, USA  

Paul Callus, Ħal Safi, Malta



truth wringing

out of a fisherman’s knot

lost at sea

the last note in her diary

ending with a smiley


Karen O'Leary, West Fargo, North Dakota, USA  

Paul Callus, Ħal Safi, Malta




from cracks in the rock


a snake slithers


Karen O’Leary, West Fargo, North Dakota, USA  

Paul Callus, Ħal Safi, Malta



on the tablecloth

the curled petals

of a withered rose

dust settles

in her dream

Paul Callus, Ħal Safi, Malta 

Karen O’Leary, West Fargo, North Dakota, USA  




weaving beads tightly

through each year

            a kindred spirit joins me

            on my journey


Karen O'Leary, West Fargo, North Dakota, USA

Paul Callus, Ħal Safi, Malta

Karen O’Leary is a writer and editor from West Fargo, ND. She has published poetry, short stories, and articles in a variety of venues including, Hedgerow, Tipton Poetry Review, Frogpond, Setu, Fine Lines, Atlas Poetica and Quill & Parchment. Karen edited an international online journal called Whispers http://whispersinthewind333.blogspot.com/ for 5 ½ years. She enjoys sharing the gift of words.


Paul Callus was born in Ħal Safi, Malta. He is married to Sheila née Ackland-Snow and they have two children. He is a retired teacher, and has been active in the literary field for around 50 years. He has published three books, and has had several short stories and poems published in various magazines, anthologies and online sites. His preferred writing mediums are Maltese and English. He is also a proof reader and translator.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Strider for showcasing these 5 Tan-renga by Karen O'Leary & myself. Always a pleasure to collaborate with you.


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