Saturday, 24 February 2024

Eight Haiku Poems by B.L. Bruce


Eight Haiku by B.L. Bruce

night falls
bright light
of the snow moon

February sun
sting of cold air
my thoughts

moonlit dawn
Mount Umunhum
dusted in snow

rhythm of rain
slow hours

January half-moon
your reflection
at the water’s edge

in the doorway
only a sliver of light
marks the hours

winter’s end
bone-white moon

valley moves
out of shadow
aroma of the night’s rain

B. L. Bruce is an award-winning poet and two-time Pushcart Prize nominee living and writing along the California coast. Her work has appeared in dozens of anthologies, magazines, and literary publications, with poetry most recently appearing in The Lakeshore Review, Red Wolf Journal, Bivouac Magazine, The Sunlight Press, Riverstone Literary Journal, and Gone Lawn, among many others. Bruce is the founding editor-in-chief of the nature-centric literary magazine Humana Obscura and author of The Weight of Snow, 28 Days of Solitude, The Starling’s Song, and Measures

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