Saturday, 17 February 2024

Five Poems by John Sweet




and even in the cold april rain,

nothing grows

from the dead man’s bones


even in the act of hope

there is a moment of collapse


             a house on fire


all of these small animals

dying frightened in the underbrush and

who is it that sings the

                song of joy?


who is it that loves you with

words instead of actions?


not all empty moments

are wasted



[we are nothing and nothing will save us]


baby says she’ll burn the

flag for psychic warmth


says the best jokes are the ones

falling from the lips of dead men




no point trying to be

de chirico’s secret lover on a cloudy day


step into the labyrinth with your

shroud wrapped tight around you


cast your vote,

rapist of werewolf,

whore or goat


ask baby what she thinks, says she

thinks she needs to get high


says maybe shoot the neighbours says

maybe touch the sun


fuck the poets and the priests and

all their meaningless words


butcher the jackals, slaughter the coyotes,

and baby says what she wants

is a baby


ask her what about the

paedophile teachers, the suicidal cops?


ask her what about the next world war?


tells her living in fear is

the wave of the future


let her drink the blood of dying species


let her cut out the

hearts of sleeping witches


small joys in a nation of ruined machines and

when he asks here again

she says all she really wants is a

clean needle and a bathroom stall of

her very own


says she’d like to believe her

mother loved her or that her father was a

better person than the asshole

she remembers


tells you she’s hungry but all you

have to offer are bones


tells you she’s tired but it’s still

another hour before we get there


it’s the dull grey fog of driving to

work at 5:30 in the morning

while she sleeps on the couch


says all of her dreams are dreams of death

and he tells her his wife doesn’t

understand the need for trains

in the distance


says she doesn’t have any use for the

idea of circles within circles, of

iridescent midnight, and

baby smiles


opens her arms


believes without doubt in the

endless warmth of all those things

that will never come to be



invisible song for cautious suicides


a belief in silence and a

belief in distance


a small space set aside for

breathing on monday morning


build your house here and

dig a grave for each ex-lover


let flowers grow from their bones


grey sunlight and

unspoken apologies and,

every hour, another war


another name to add to the

list of innocent victims and it will

be your job to memorize them


it will be your fate to become

the one that got away


one hundred thousand poems of

loss and regret but they will

never add up to a lifetime


admit it


we can only measure

the ideas that mean the most

in terms of distance, in

magnitudes of negative space


one of us here and

one of us there and then

nothing but the shape of regret

in between



lost in the forest of blind prophets


words as weapons on some

gleaming sunday afternoon, says

i love you says

i hate you and she’s a liar


says we are always reaching

the end, but then what?


wind across the river’s surface


small children asleep in

pale blue rooms


each poem is only one small moment and

every moment is equally unimportant



and then sunlight


god as a failure

of imagination


as an externalization of fear


we live and we die and

then we’re forgotten

and what more did you want?


why did you think falling in love

would be the ultimate victory?


i am not a believer in pain,

but here we are anyway



last story from the edge of someone else’s city


and nikki says

the only things

she's ever wanted

are love and violence


says one's as good

as the other

and they're usually

the same,


and i meet her

in the parking lot

behind the k-mart


kiss her

in the shadows

of the sodium lights


and i could swear

i've known her

all my life

John Sweet sends greetings from the rural wastelands of upstate NY. He is a firm believer in writing as catharsis, and in compassionate nihilism. His poetry collections include A FLAG ON FIRE IS A SONG OF HOPE (2019 Scars Publications) and A DEAD MAN, EITHER WAY (2020 Kung Fu Treachery Press).









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