Sunday, 3 September 2023

Two Poems and Two Haiku Sequencies by Samo Kreutz




no longer alone

this tree


deep in your eyes



into the myriad of pink and white




A piece of my poem (a haiku sequence)


morning dew ...

a piece of my poem

lent to the bee


flower therapy

completely calm

spring wind


shimmering heat

not a bit distorted

a tulip scent 


house wren ...

all the variations

of this haiku


No boundaries



than our worlds

and our skies



even bigger as destiny



to hide inside us

when the winter finally arrives


this limitless august forest


Sleep and wakefulness (a haiku sequence)



sleep and wakefulness –

an early spring woods


dense tree crown

completely lost in it

a cloud


autumn grove

the different colours

of grandad's stories


breath vapour

severely crooked

the oak branches



Samo Kreutz lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Besides poetry (which he has been writing since he was eight years old), he writes novels, short stories and haiku. He is the author of ten books in Slovene and four in English (they are haiku books, the last two are titled No Bigger Than a Crumb, and Forgotten for a Moment, all published by from India and are still available at His recent work has appeared on international websites (and journals), such as Ariel Chart: International Literary Journal, Better than Starbucks: Poetry and Fiction Journal, Green Ink Poetry, Ink Sweat & Tears: The poetry and prose webzine, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Seashores: Haiku Journal, Stardust Haiku Online Journal, The Bamboo Hut, The Heron's Nest and others.

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