Saturday, 2 September 2023

Three Poems by Snigdha Agrawal




I lay my head upon your breast

and started to breathe again

Sp2o reading shot up to 


sucking in deep

your fragrances


wood, grass, moss, 

patchouli, petrichor

staff in Covid ward

stood transfixed 

at the miracle wrought

life pulsating in one brought

'declared dead' 


I don't ever wish to be

weaned off your breast

suckling till my last breath

away from beeping monitors

away from sanitised corridors 

away from feeding tubes

away from greedy men 

in cahoots with profiteers

intent on desecrating 

this earth





Coughed and spluttered

went dead

old Chevrolet

body battered

paint defaced

bumper hanging

like an oversized bracelet

dashboard displays

so faint

but engine still

in good shape


So, I tried infusing

new life into it

got batteries changed

turned on the ignition

stepped on fuel pad

kicked hard, coaxed

and cajoled my old friend

stubborn as a mule


Then thought to myself

music is what unknots

the kinks, and played

Nat King Cole's 

"(Get Your Kicks On)

Route 66"

Presto!  Old buddy

took the bait

We were off 

on the highway

like the old days





Change asked "Why do you resist?

Why don't you flow with the stream?"

She replied "It's hard to keep pace 

with the constantly evolving 

technological race

change has brought in its wake

Ageing has slowed me down

most body parts protest


Change scowled and said 

"Stop being pusillanimous. Discard your frilly knickers 

dance nude

in the rain, 

face upturned 

see change happen



Snigdha Agrawal (nee Banerjee), has an MBA in Marketing and Corporate work experience of over two decades. She enjoys writing all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, and travel diaries.  Educated in Loreto Institutions (run by the Irish Nuns), and brought up in a cosmopolitan environment, she has learned the best of the East and West. She is a published author of four books, and a regular contributor to anthologies published in India and USA.


1 comment:

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