Saturday, 30 September 2023

One Poem by Charly Chow


Ballade Of The Cresset

Come fill the hollows of truth’s heart 

with waxen balm to fuel her fire,

this slow revealing is an art 

designed to excite and inspire

each curious knight and squire

passing beneath her searching light

as sweet songs of lute and lyre

echo through the deep, shrouded night.


For so long truth has longed to start  

shining down on every liar,   

she trims her wick to fiery dart 

and dreams of when she’ll be a pyre  

that purges plowman, lord and friar 

of every secret dread and fright,

she aches to light dark desire

with grace that can bestow true sight.


Truth pines in lofty heights apart

from the fickle muck and mire,

for centuries she’s felt the smart

of aching hurt and loss, the dire 

pain of hearts that deeply tire

from carrying false selves so tight 

they suffer from their own fierce ire

when falsehood never feels quite right.


Will we deny truth’s desire

until the last day turns to night?

Still her pure flame is a fire

our wayward hearts prefer to slight.

Charly Chow is a neurodivergent British poet and spoken word artist with a BA in English literature and a passion for classical literature and forms. She's proud to be part of the Move Me Poetry movement, and has published works in Duck Duck Mongoose, ARTS O' MAGAZINE and others. You can find Charly on X: @dyspraxiccharly and on Instagram & threads: @wordsbycharly

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