Saturday, 2 September 2023

One Poem by GJ Hart




Time and Time and Time Again


With this i wish

to unlock something - I think

of bears hitched

to flying chrome,

spinning weeds

snagged in the white spit

of the river -


I remember how the future

would be -

when time was

one pure white

note - when our breath

grew trees.



Warm over the boards

of spring's dull fairground,

we opened

windows and let winter

sit between us.


When nothing

mattered, we changed

matter, punched

through the night's dam

and drank

our futures down.


You tied colours

to my worry

because Worry is a stone

and rolled it our parade

for two.



tomorrow's sun

is two hills over -


and the road down

juggling up its red


when I realise

how old

you are now.


Now I am

one bar, I am dim,

I am emergency calls

only - misery is my saver,

my charge - we are


star dust,

crawling so know -

the hills care nothing

for your journey and nothing

ends - the road


Just gets


too steep.


So leave me

the shady early summer

light and the butterflying


that inside everyone

is me -


life is a sad


so lock me

in this prism -

a cave between tides -

I will be incredible,


like how colours

don't exist.


GJ Hart currently lives and works in London and has had work published in Isacoustic, Nine Muses Poetry, The Molotov Cocktail, The Jersey Devil Press, The Harpoon Review and others. He can be found arguing with himself over @gj_hart.







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