Saturday, 5 August 2023

Two Poems and Three Senryu by Snigdha Agrawal


Love rhythms


That barbeque pit is where it all began 

   coy looks exchanged 

      accidentally hands touched

        placing briquettes 

          in the granite silence


A generational gap, drawn by 

magnetic force

   night favoured their liaison

      darkened like drapes drawn

        escalating passions enabled


To quieten the interminable discourses in mind

   leaned across and kissed

     sensation never experienced

        self-realization dawning

           it was meant to be


Would have to deal with the consequences 

   reproach, shame, ostracised

     being different

       breaking from  traditional

         unsettling puritans


Love is not prescriptive

So, who the blazes care for the high priests of haute monde?


Calming strategy


The sun shifts as the day 

grows old

bleached grey skies

replacing the blues

In the mind, there's 

a jumble of thoughts

Unknotting keeps me preoccupied 

And once they fit into the whole

Mind is calmed

Soul takes a breather 

Turbulence stops

Now I have learned to relax 

after the day is gone

The moon takes over 

cocooning me in 

its gold-spun warmth

peace subscribed






pitted black olives

diseased alveoli sacs

smokers damnation



singled out always

peanut butter on white bread

school lunchroom gossip



Lady in a mink coat

champion of haute couture

suckling infant weaned off


Snigdha Agrawal (nee Banerjee), has an MBA in Marketing and Corporate work experience of over two decades. She enjoys writing all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, and travel diaries.  Educated in Loreto Institutions (run by the Irish Nuns), and brought up in a cosmopolitan environment, she has learned the best of the East and West. She is a published author of four books, apart from being published in several anthologies published from India and USA.

1. "TRAIL MIX" Short Stories (Jan.2023) available on Amazon. in
2. "MINDS UNPLUGGED Lockdown Stories and Rhymes for the Six to Sixteen" (Nov.2021)
3."EVOCATIVE/RENDERINGS" (June 2017) available on Amazon.
4."TALES OF THE TWINS unsung melodies"(2018).

She is an active participant/administrator in 'Poetry in My Mind' an online poetry forum with 26k members. Essentially an international learning and practicing poetry platform.

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